Cheeky Amanda Palmer reference?
Inquiring minds need to know...
Huawei's scored a nice HPC win in Australia, with the University of Tasmania selecting it to provide a 7,000-cores-plus machine. The University’s Sandy Bay Campus will house the AU$5m (US$3.6m, £2.95m) machine, which will be put to work on “urgent scientific problems in existing strengths, including climate and ocean sciences …
Huawei?? Really??
Last time I looked, ASIO's recommendation to the Oz gov't caused Huawei to be banned from bidding on gov't contracts due to security concerns.
Considering the Bureau of Met was (allegedly) hacked by Chinese sources about a year ago, what Einstein came up with the brilliant idea of getting them to supply a machine :-
which will be put to work on “urgent scientific problems in existing strengths, including climate and ocean sciences.”
If they're not dealing with classified information, they're probably driven by price / performance, with some secondary factors like ability of the vendor to deliver, reliable reference sites, lack of ties to totalitarian socialist regimes with poor hu... oops almost got one wrong.
So basically, they got lots of MIPS for cheap, Q.E.D.
Seeing as we have broached the hacking subject, a conspiracy theory seems appropriate :P
China play the long game, UTas is a big player in Antarctic Science, so my conspiracy theory is that china will slurp the information from UTas to strengthen their own claim in Antarctica and better enable them to start doing 'mineral research'