Politicians arrogance
The thing is, I don't expect all politicians to be generally tech savie. What is most revelaing about them is their arrogance that they know best.
There are MANY subjects I know nothing about, but if I was to make decisions regarding those subjects, I'd bloody well research what the hell I was doing beforehand.
When there were new staff at my last job, I was naturally expected to guide them through issues (it doesn't matter how much you know - every company has rlues/quriks etc. uniquely to them)
My biggest beef, (and those staff that proved most unreliable), was NOT the staff that didn't know something and would ask, it was the ones that didn't know aomething, but either thought that they did, or that they could bullshit through.
I was far more willing to trust a task to someone who may even have been the less knowledgable of the two, knowing that if they were unsure, they'd ask, rather than potentially screw something up entirely.
Is it too much to ask the same of our politicians?
You see it ALL the time in the media: Politicians bullshitting, or spinning, or avoiding. I'd be far more likely to vote for someone who says "You koiw what? I don't know the answer to that, but trust me, I'll find out before progressing any further on the matter."