back to article Los Angeles to extradite bloke from Nigeria after scores of city workers fall for phish scam

Los Angeles wants to extradite a Nigerian man accused of swiping the passwords of more than 100 workers in 15 city and county departments via a phishing attack. The metropolis' prosecutors have obtained arrest warrants seeking the extradition of Austin Kelvin Onaghinor from Nigeria to face charges of identity theft and …

  1. Steve Aubrey


    Ten percent return on investment - that's better than Direct Mail usually gets.

    1. TheVogon

      Re: ROI

      "Sure US government we can help you extradite the Nigerian criminal of your choice. We just need your bank account details and sort code...."

  2. RW

    Los Angeles needs to revamp training of its workers; clearly the current training does not get the point across.

  3. elDog

    How about extraditing all those stupid LA workers to Nigeria?

    I'm sure they'd be happy living with people they obviously bond with...

    Of course, I'd probably be living in some seventh circle of someone's hell by now.

  4. Stuart Halliday

    So, it's official. Americans are more stupid than the rest of the Western World.

    1. Francis Boyle


      hasn't it been official since November 8?

      1. Trevor_Pott Gold badge

        Re: Err,

        Italian Referendum.


        Australia running fucking concentration camps for asylum/refugee seekers.

        Marnie Le Pen.

        Going to go with "nope, western civilization is pretty much fucked".

        1. TAJW

          Re: Err,

          "Going to go with "nope, western civilization is pretty much fucked"."

          As compared to what is going on in the Middle East, you mean?

          1. Trevor_Pott Gold badge

            Re: Err,

            Just because Timmy is shitting in the schoolyard doesn't mean it's okay for you to do the same.

      2. TheVogon

        Re: Err,

        "hasn't it been official since November 8?"

        Surely since this:

        "About 11 percent of young citizens of the U.S. couldn't even locate the U.S. on a map"

      3. TAJW

        Re: Err,

        "hasn't it been official since November 8?"

        You mean in 2008, right. We finally wised up this year.

  5. wsm

    I've seen it everywhere

    But maybe it would be a good idea to offer the gentleman in question some employment. He could explain his methods and be one of those "offensive" support engineers who do penetration testing.

    He could give the City of Los Angeles some good lessons.

    1. InfiniteApathy

      Re: I've seen it everywhere

      "Don't click on bullshit links"

      May I have a job?

      Click on ~this link~ to hire me!

  6. wsm

    I've seen it everywhere

    But maybe it would be a good idea to offer the gentleman in question some employment. He could explain his methods and be one of those "offensive" support engineers who do penetration testing.

    He could give the City of Los Angeles some good lessons.

  7. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

    Not Putin for once?

    What a relief!

  8. Andy Non Silver badge

    He's on bail

    His cousin, a prince, has put up bail of $1,000,000 but first the Los Angeles Courts need to pay $1000 bank processing fee via Western Union to release the money.

  9. a_yank_lurker

    Employee Testing

    My company does regular testing to see if employees recognize and report spam to IT. I wonder if LaLa Land ever considered doing some testing with their training.

  10. GrapeBunch

    Vis-a-vis Los Angeles, it's the Nigerian man's (alleged) fault that the info was stolen, but vis-a-vis the victims, the punters, it is the fault of Los Angeles. They insufficiently cared for the info. Sometimes the obvious thing is the important thing.

  11. Winkypop Silver badge

    Meanwhile at Trump HQ....

    Huuuuge deal being thrashed out with Nigerian Prince Ubetcha to get hands on $1442 umpty-trillion to sort out the US dept.

  12. tfewster

    ...while [LA] "thwarted" the attack, it is warning some residents that their personal information may have been exposed...

    That's an odd definition of "thwarted"

    1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      Thwarted is what happens when a little girl claims to have sorted it?

  13. Down not across

    Free credit monitoring

    Those whose personal information was exposed will receive one free year of credit and identity monitoring services.

    Whenever there is loss of personal information it's always the same "compensation".

    A year is not enough. Should be for life. It's not like the victims identity wouldn't still be the same after the one year. If that is too expensive, then make sure you have protected the information well enough so you never have to pay out.

    So how about issue affected people new SSNs and other identifiers.

  14. C Montgomery Burns


    "The second-largest city in the US says that while it "thwarted" the attack, it is warning some residents that their personal information may have been exposed, and it's offering free identity protection services to the affected people."

    Is there some sort of alternative California dictionary at work here?

  15. CustardGannet

    "The notice...will be mailed out to the affected citizens"

    I hope they remember to use the 'BCC' field...

  16. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    You are under U.S. law.

    No need to leave your country to violate US laws and spend time in an American prison. Do anything on the Internet America considers illegal and have any American affected or any packet routed through an American server or hub or handled by any company operating in or out of America and you too can face a jury of your American peers.

    But like the POTUS having the power to drone kill people without due process and to be fair drone killing without due process includes American citizens, we need not be concerned because Obama created that power and all future Presidents will be as reasonable as Obama. No need to have checks and balances or for the people to have a say in the rules and laws under which they are ruled. Our Elite always act in our best interest, so no concern here, we should just move along.

    1. Hollerithevo

      Re: You are under U.S. law.

      I think you'll find that the law for POTUS to kill people without due process came under Bush II.

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