Re: Pot, meet kettle
"Massive" irregularities, in both directions, adding a net total of around 550 Clinton votes in all of Wayne county MI (where Detroit is) That's carelessness, not fraud, and even if that sort of thing is happening everywhere it doesn't add up to even a fraction of the 2.5 million votes Clinton "won" the popular vote by.
This is a perfect example of how alt right media twists things. They took a legitimate story about counts being wrong in over half the precincts in Wayne county, with the errors (averaging less than 5 votes per precinct) going in Clinton's favor more often than not, and twist the wording and use sensational headlines for low information readers who don't go past the headlines to believe it equates to massive fraud, or at least to attempted voter fraud in favor of Hillary.
The headlines scream about more votes counted than people who were at the polls. What really happened is that ballot scanners don't always read ballots correctly, so they feed them through more than once in a few occasions which results in the counter on the machine to not equal the number of people who were given ballots. They're supposed to keep track of how often they do this, but by the end of the day they're probably tired and just want to go home and forget details like that.
As for recounts lowering Hillary's net total in the county by 550 votes or whatever it was, in precincts where 90% of the vote of going to one candidate, any errors due to carelessness or poor processes are more likely to go in favor that candidate than the one with 10%.
This is EXACTLY why republicans shouldn't have tried to stand in the way of recounts, and in fact should have encouraged them. If there's fraud, get it out in the open. If there is carelessness or mishandling of ballots that leads to incorrect counting, let's find out about it so things can be improved. If you never audit your counting process, how do you know you are counting correctly? It should be required that a certain sample of votes in every state be recounted, so you can learn where problems exist and fix them, and institute a mandatory full statewide recount if the random sample indicates an error ratio over a certain threshold.
If republicans really cared about learning whether voter fraud exists and fixing it, instead of just assuming it does and passing laws to suppress the vote in the name of preventing voter fraud, they'd be all in favor of recounts, and reviewing all ballot challenges to see how many people were legitimate voters and how many were correctly challenged. That they don't is telling. Of course democrats were only interesting in "lending support" to these recounts because they lost. If they'd won they'd be the ones in court filing suit trying to stop the recounts, so they are no better.