back to article Say bye-bye to net neutrality next year, gloats FCC commish Pai

In a speech to a right-wing think tank, FCC commissioner Ajit Pai explained how 2017 will be the year that net neutrality dies in the US, and that municipal networks can forget about existing as well. On Wednesday, Pai gave a speech at the Free State Foundation in which he lambasted the FCC for taking on more responsibility …

  1. Christoph

    "it's unclear if the proposed revisions will benefit consumers or the companies that sell to them."

    No it isn't. Not in the slightest. The companies will get the money and the consumers will get the shaft.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Pai also praised court rulings that towns and cities can't be allowed to set up their own municipal networks if states have enacted legislation making the practice illegal.

    Just whose side is this guy on? I think he needs to be checked by the IRS for undeclared income, receiving bribes etc.

    1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

      "Just whose side is this guy on?"

      His own, obviously.

      He's looking for a nice job as a lobbyist or non exec director for some media companies when he retires.

      You know, something in the $100k a year for half a days "work" a week.

      1. Ole Juul

        Re: "Just whose side is this guy on?"

        "You know, something in the $100k a year for half a days "work" a week."

        You can't be serious. Although the hours are longer, truck drivers and miners make that much. Surely he'd expect an executive level salary, even for half days. But then again, we're talking USA with it's, soon to be even more, depressed economy. (Disclaimer, I'm in Canada)

        1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

          Although the hours are longer, truck drivers and miners make that much.

          No I meant $100k just for the 1/2 day a week.

          Corporate part time work.

          The people you cited do real work.

          1. Roland6 Silver badge

            Re: Although the hours are longer, truck drivers and miners make that much.

            No I meant $100k just for the 1/2 day a week.

            So modest... I seem to remember Tony Blair (a long forgotten UK PM) gets that sort of money for a single after-dinner speech...

            1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

              "So modest... Tony Blair..gets that sort of money for a single after-dinner speech...

              True, but Blair is a "Statesman"

              You have the small profile, you get the small cheque.

              You have the big profile, you get the big cheque.

            2. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: Although the hours are longer, truck drivers and miners make that much.

              " I seem to remember Tony Blair (a long forgotten UK War Criminal)"


    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      He doesn't look right to me... put him up against The Wall.

      And where is this asshole's birth certificate? Huh? What fucking country did this asshole escape from to ply his shit-ideas to our soon-to-be conspiracy asshole in charge of nothing much?

      Seriously, whoever the US president is does not make any difference in my life. Even the Affordable Care Act did not phase me, mostly because is got so watered down that there's nothing left to get excited about. The heath care system plods on a usual; charging $23 for a single aspirin, and other manipulations of the cost structures that can't be fought, along with their accomplices; health insurance salesmen. Here's a tip; never ever get sick or hurt.

      The USA Open Hacking Season starts January 20 2017... be there or be hacked.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        You mean "Welcome to the free world"?

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Just whose side is this guy on?

      I am guessing he is not on the side of corrupt municipal authorities who do a sweetheart deal with their friends, and leave some town with a crappy broadband monopoly for the next 50 years.

      This kills off competition just as much as the Big Telco oligopoly kills it. Try Googling for Lafayette or LUS and FTTH. Educate yourself.

    4. Anonymous Coward

      That's what happens when you let all those immigrants in the US, and let them steal US jobs!

    5. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      What is getting scary is that the government of the US is slowly changing to the capitalist nightmare that Marx's Communist Manifesto portrays.

      1. Prndll

        Quite the opposite

        What your not getting is the reality that the thing that the US has been changing into is quite anti-capitalist. Over recent years, more and more large chunks have actually been scooped up by government.

  3. Alistair

    DJT will *drain the swamp*

    He said *nothing* about removing the reptiles. They just get to be above the water line now.

  4. Youngone

    He's right

    Mr. Pai is quoted as saying "was no evidence of systemic failure in the Internet marketplace," and he's not wrong.

    Any market is dominated by those with the deepest pockets, and that's what is happening here.

    The incumbent ISP's buy the laws they need to keep being dominant.

    Isn't that how unfettered capitalism is supposed to work?

  5. redpawn

    One Term President

    It appears that Trump is determined to do as much damage in four years as he can to the common man. His labor person favors using robots above people in the restaurant business while also opposing minimum wage laws. Also good luck with your drinking water and that stuff you breath. His EPA guy thinks the EPA should not do anything as the environment should be left to the states to manage. Education will be taken care of by a person opposed to public education. The list grows on.

    It won't take long for "give him a chance" to change to "Give him the F***ing Boot" and we hope that something is recoverable after he goes.

    1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

      " "give him a chance" to change to "Give him the F***ing Boot" "

      Interesting factoid about US presidents.

      Of those who were assassinated only Kennedy was a Democrat.

      The rest were Republicans.

      Something the D should keep in mind.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: " "give him a chance" to change to "Give him the F***ing Boot" "

        Keep it in mind... just like a bullet!


        Peace and love! Peace and love! Don't forget to hack the shit out of the USA next month!

        "I'm warning you with peace and love that I have too much to do!" -- Ringo Starr

        1. Matt Bryant Silver badge

          Re: AC Re: " "give him a chance" to change to "Give him the F***ing Boot" "

          ".....Don't forget to hack the shit out of the USA next month!....." Oh dear, another shrieking Leftie who hasn't understood the laws on incitement. Seriously, the Left needs to quit crying and get over it, it's called "democracy".

          1. Kiwi

            Re: AC " "give him a chance" to change to "Give him the F***ing Boot" "

            it's called "democracy".

            No. Democracy is where the person/part who gets the most votes gets in. What the US has is not quite democracy, no matter how much they rant on about it.

            (And no, NZ doesn't have democracy either)

            1. Matt Bryant Silver badge

              Re: Kiwi Re: AC " "give him a chance" to change to "Give him the F***ing Boot" "

              "....Democracy is where the person/part who gets the most votes gets in...." Well, ignoring the zombie voters, Clinton and the Dummicrats were happy with the Electoral College system when they thought Shrillary was going to win. It's simply the fact that Trumpet was smarter than her - he understood the electoral system and didn't bother chasing the popular vote, he worked the system to win the majority of the Electoral College. If you really want a POTUS too stupid to understand the simplicities of the electoral system, even after her hubby was elected twice under the very same system, then all I can do is laugh at you. Face facts - Shrillary lost because she was complacent, Trumpet won because he was smarter, and get on with your life.

          2. Potemkine Silver badge

            Re: AC " "give him a chance" to change to "Give him the F***ing Boot" "

            it's called "democracy".

            Really? Generally, in a democracy is elected the candidate who gets the more votes

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: AC " "give him a chance" to change to "Give him the F***ing Boot" "

              Socartes knew well that democracy just leads inevitably to demagoguery.

              1. Alan Brown Silver badge

                Re: AC " "give him a chance" to change to "Give him the F***ing Boot" "

                So did the USA founding fathers. That's why the Electoral College was created, but it's been badly subverted by the states since then.

                The interesting this is that whilst several state laws say that EC voters must vote along state lines, noone has ever been prosecuted for not doing so. As the EC is a federal institution I suspect any attempt to try will result in those laws being slapped down - hard.

            2. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: AC " "give him a chance" to change to "Give him the F***ing Boot" "

              Which doesn't mean an anti-democratic cunt can't be elected. The biggest issue in any democratic system is it can easily commit suicide voting for the wrong person - there's really nothing to hinder it but electors capability of avoiding it. Sometimes it doesn't happen, and democratic systems fall. Just look at Turkey, Venezuela, and Russia too. And sometimes later it becomes impossible to turn back, because once having being elected democratically, they start to kill the democratic system from the inside to avoid to be also democratically removed. Hope Trump and his cronies don't go that far.

              (Disclaimer: I never thought Ms. Clinton was a good candidate, and would have been cronies issues as well, but would have been less extreme).

            3. Matt Bryant Silver badge

              Re: Potemkine Re: AC " "give him a chance" to change to "Give him the F***ing Boot" "

              "...Generally, in a democracy is elected the candidate who gets the more votes." Oh, so, just like Shrillary, you failed to understand the Electoral College system? You want the woman to be in control of trillions of dollars and the nuke button, after she wasted millions on an election campaign where she didn't understand the basic mechanism for how to win? It's not like it's some new process, it's been around since 1787, so she was pretty stupid not to understand what she needed to do to win. Trumpet was simply smarter and understood how the system worked and what he needed to do to win, and - TBH - that makes him the slightly smarter of two awful options.

          3. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: AC " "give him a chance" to change to "Give him the F***ing Boot" "

            Seriously, the Left needs to quit crying and get over it, it's called "democracy"

            The Left hates democracy when it loses. It can then just call everyone racist.

            (A/C for obvious reasons.)

            1. Matt Bryant Silver badge

              Re: AC " "give him a chance" to change to "Give him the F***ing Boot" "

              "....It can then just call everyone racist....." The amusing thing is the Left spent years browbeating and name-calling the American voters, so much so that Left were genuinely surprised when the voters didn't tell them which way they were going to vote in polls, just turned up at the election booths and pulled the handle for Trumpet. This lack of awareness is even more amusing given that it was identified and pointed out on the Redstate website during the very nasty in-fighting between the Obama and Hillary camps waaaaay back in 2009. The problem is the Left had spent so long painting anyone that would even considering looking at a site like Redstate as "sexist, racist neo-Nazis" they had no chance on actually reading such an article. Hence the Left failed to recognize their major flaw - calling people names whilst exhibiting the very behavior you condemn is a big turn-off to voters, it makes you look unethical and untrustworthy, as shown by the recent election results.

              1. Matt Bryant Silver badge

                Re: AC " "give him a chance" to change to "Give him the F***ing Boot" "

                LOL, would the downvoter like to provide a riposte explaining how (a) the reporting in the Redstate article was false and the Leftie quotes mentioned are "misconstrued", or (b) like to provide some justification of the hypocritical stance of the reported comments? Go on, if only for comedic value!

          4. Jeffrey Nonken

            Re: AC " "give him a chance" to change to "Give him the F***ing Boot" "

            The US is a republic.

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Black Helicopters

          Re: " "give him a chance" to change to "Give him the F***ing Boot" "

          I assume your bags are packed and you are just waiting for the knock on the door by the guys wearing dark suites and sunglasses.

          1. fnj

            Re: " "give him a chance" to change to "Give him the F***ing Boot" "

            dark suites

            "Suites", LOL.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Anything that doesn't make a handful of people trillionaires at the expense of the rest of the population must be COMMUNISM ! Therefore Trump voters will love it. As long as they get to keep guns and blame immigrants....

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      You mean the immigrants that got there AFTER them. ;)

      All those white USA types came from somewhere else. The only native people of North America are the Native Canadian and American Indians, and surprise; Mexicans. Also, I give all Black peoples a pass, since they were originally forced to come to the good ol' us and a. They didn't just show up with the colonists and made a time of it.

      If you're in a Red State... check your networks and access periodically. You are now a target.

      DJT asked for hacking... boy, is he gonna get what he asked for. Every. Single. Day.

      Fully automated scanning and pen testing trucks on EVERY CORNER, guy!

      1. SundogUK Silver badge

        Mexicans are mostly descended from the Spanish, fuckwit.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Are they indeed. Interesting little factoid, which I don't think is true.

          Are you possibly on the payroll of DFart?

        2. Jeffrey Nonken

          "Mexicans are mostly descended from the Spanish, fuckwit."

          Mexicans are mostly descended from indigenes, fuckwit.

          Both statements are true. And your point is...?

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        "If you're in a Red State... check your networks and access periodically. You are now a target"

        O RLY?

        Talk about sore losers!

      3. PaulFrederick

        "All those white USA types came from somewhere else."

        This may come as a shock to you but some of us White folks were born here. Our parents, and grandparents were born here too.

        1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

          "This may come as a shock to you but some of us White folks were born here. Our parents, and grandparents were born here too."

          And so were many of the "Mexicans", "Cubans", "Colombians" etc.

  7. ecofeco Silver badge

    Say goodbye to everything next year

    Our long nightmare of peace and prosperity is finally at an end!

    - credit to The Onion

    1. Prndll

      Re: Say goodbye to everything next year

      Peace and prosperity has actually been moving further and further away over recent years. Riots that include damage and loss of property (public and private), insanity that results in death for for anyone that happens to be there (anywhere), the thing that appears to be a religious war on a global scale, and all manner of internet related attacks across the planet......all currently happening and getting worse as people get encourage by lies.

      It isn't about to has been going on and at higher levels over the last eight years (and truthfully....since 9/11).

  8. Kiwi
    Black Helicopters

    Welcome to..

    Pai also praised court rulings that towns and cities can't be allowed to set up their own municipal networks if states have enacted legislation making the practice illegal.

    Welcome to the land of the freeoverly-legislated and litigated, where even something that's basically charity to assist poorer people or to make your city more attractive to outsiders and business interests by making data a little more readily available.

    Even piss-poor pitiful little NZ has you beat, one of our largest and by far our most scummiest telco has a lot of free hotspots (up to 1g/day) around, and many libraries and other places have free data. Hang your heads in shame yanks, that you can that sort of stuff happen and let NZ beat you in freedom!

  9. John Smith 19 Gold badge

    A small side question.

    In the UK at least one village basically set up its own ISP to get an FO cable in for broadband.

    It's not a council thing, it's a residents thing. Basically a private company.

    Now I'm not really sure if locals in a town in the US could not set up something similar.

    And as a local small business would they be eligible for a council grant to encourage small businesses to set up in their town?

    Tough to do. Needs good people working together and determination but otherwise you pay the big telco prices for your access.

    1. KroSha

      Re: A small side question.

      That's a co-operative, which is probably dangerously close to communism/socialism for most USA-ians.

    2. Matt Bryant Silver badge

      Re: A small side question.

      "In the UK at least one village basically set up its own ISP to get an FO cable in for broadband...." That's effectively how cable TV started in the US - local groups clubbing together and buying a big TV tower so they could get reception, with all the homes connected to the tower by the cable. Even the bleary-eyed goliaths like Comcast started out as just a small neighbourhood company connecting a few homes to one tower. However, the goliaths have moved to get regulations put in place to make it as burdensome and expensive as possible for smaller or private cable companies now.

  10. Potemkine Silver badge

    The most fanatic the better

    Drain the cup of bitterness to the dregs, so the lesson be learned for a generation or two.

  11. fnj


    I've watched Kill Bill, and that doesn't look like Pai Mei. Where's the long white beard? They must have the name wrong.

  12. John Smith 19 Gold badge

    I've watched Kill Bill, and that doesn't look like Pai Mei.


    You can't see him being content with a few fish heads. Not even the fresh ones.

  13. CanadaGrandpaChris

    WELCOME TO CANADA little lost lefty Americans.

  14. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    how the commentards show their feathers - the arsetrumpets all resorting to foul talk and non-sequiturs, whining about whining, and claiming authorities are corrupt unless they are funded by a corporation.

    AC. because fuck those humourless fucktards, they don't even understand irony

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