"Great" Britain and the USA have so much in common
We too have hoards of ignorant assholes over here that consider being connected to the Internet as some sort of right. Guess what. It's not, and never should be. There is no reason why you need the Internet in the modern world. Everything can be done outside of it still. We still have postal service, and normal phones. I can't think of one single thing that requires me being on the Internet. And I've been in IT for almost 30 years now. I can't wait to get home and NOT be connected to anything. It's a scam. Anyone can function without it, but few are smart enough to do it before they cry for their convenience of connectivity. There is NOTHING on the Internet that is required. Period.
But don't tell your ignorant Brexiters or our own Red State Racists, because in the post-truth world nothing is something, and things of import are somehow bad for "us." Fucking white pussies with guns afraid of their own shadow, because it's dark. Isn't it? Yeah, it is. The so-called "Great" Britain, for so many centuries they could not WAIT to come "visit" a new country and impose their bullshit on it. Ask India or Hong Kong how fucking "Great" they are. Oh wait. NOW you want to close the borders on your little island paradise? Wow, fucking retards in all but the London area. Please let your pound die and keep to yourselves. The world doesn't need whatever it is you're supposed to make there. If I want a Jag, I'll talk to the Indians who make them. I can't think of anything other than Jammie Dodgers that comes from there that I want. You don't make anything anymore. Not anything of quality. When was the last time you heard anyone say; "wow this UK car I got is of such high quality and the wiring doesn't suck." Never. Oh wait, I do like the RPi, but those are manufactured by Sony. I don't think Sony is of UK origin, but don't let that stop you from claiming they are. :)
And don't forget the USA with the fucking World Police biz and taking a cue from Blighty; let's fuck over the native peoples because we can. And it's for profit, not to really make a difference or do anything to help the so-called victims. Ask the poor people of Syria, oh yeah, you can't. Their either dead or subdued. And for the USA? Oh, what a bunch of asshole we have over here. Whites from immigrant families that somehow need a wall to protect them from anyone they can shift blame for their own shit ideas and failed lives on. Guess what? In four years time they will still be ignorant, poor and unable to figure out how to make it in the modern world. No wonder they want to all go back to the 1950s, AND take their Internet and every other modern item, while leaving behind those inconveniences like; women's rights, or the equalities that were won in the 1960s for the blacks. That is the rub; they can't handle a black man as president, and the cries of "where is his birth certificate" are all ideas from broken minds. Where were these idiots when he was a Senator for so many years? No problem then, huh? Fucking morons. What will they say when my ilk starts calling for The First Green Card Whore's birth certificate? Get the picture? So, now instead of helping people, I'm going to hack people. Many many people. And for fun and sport. Not to steal, not yet anyway.
Live by your bullshit? Get ready to enjoy a juicy e-retort. The open season starts 1/20/17. Don't be late.
Hypocrisy, it's what they're good at.