What a pity
Wrong size. So I'll just make a very not-at-all-amusing comment as I don't want to win.
President Trump
Prime Minister Farage
Presidente Le Pen
How secure are your feet? With these exclusive socks from, er, Kaspersky, your tootsies will never be subject to another bout of ransomware again. Sock with Eugene Kaspersky's face on it, given out by his company The stylish black footwear was being handed out, along with advent calendars, at Kaspersky's Christmas bash in …
Kaspersky antivirus has discovered infection HERPES ZOSTER at location RIGHT ANKLE and has shut down and quarantined RIGHT ANKLE as a safety precaution.
I think I already have Kaspersky installed since my last bout of shingles repeatedly shut down operations to my right knee. This lead to many not-quite-amusing leg collapsing moments.
Nice socks gimmick by Eugene Kaspersky, "... who sadly wasn't present last night) said next year will feature lots of malware and business will be good."
He was not referring to Apple MacOS, Linux, ChromeOS, but Microsoft which every day seems to entangle their software into more and more malware, and is a total morass.
Good that at least Kaspersky, Sophos, Symantec and others can still enjoy significant income - from Microsoft software disaster, even though "PC" tales are tanking each and every year.
…and then the ghost cried, "DOOM! YOU ARE DOOMED!"
"Ahhhh!" the user screamed. "Why am I doomed?"
"Oh no! My connectivity!" said the user. "Wait… ghost, do you know the password?"
"NOOOOOOO!" and then it vanished, leaving the user huddled in terror and fear.
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Soooo u want anti virus protection do you feeble muggles, cried Vaspersky, lord of all system resources; soon you will be wanting your freedom too. Let's make a heal, virtues erm um viruses are everywhere, and no antivirus firm knows or pays for where they come from somewhat like magic, but here's a freebie that comes with a full free copy of your soul, errrr our software, with a life time contract erm wait that's worth a shed load of muggle pounds, give me a minute... (Screams are heard from a high tower containing a sleeping character, and a whirring is heard as old coasters/CDs are lathed) Right here are a pair or unvaluable socks, let them solve all/most/some/one of your needs, should you have small feet. Then in a puff of athletes foot spray a boy stepped out from behind the muggle, Tobby regismith (go on, you think of something better), a ha said he, displaying the mark on his head of he whom really whips the llamas ass ( old school iconography) by giving this poor muggle these socks, you have given him freedom, to choose another non free in a commercial environment product which disables the built in free antivirus.. Oh great said the muggle allready on the BYOD waving his wand at every boob he can see, the internet obviously being as safe as a flying pigwarts.
Has anyone else noticed a trend in recent years for socks with a symbol/logo on one side? Presumably these are intended to be worn with the logo on the outside which means that you have perforce defined right and left socks. This goes against the idea that, even if they are put away folded together in the sock drawer, you don't have to worry which one goes on which foot while fumbling around getting dressed in the semi-darkness of a winter morning trying not to waken the still slumbering occupant of the bed.
So, no thanks. I perefer my socks ambidextrous (ambipodous?).
I would love to have these to add to my extensive collection of anti-virus footware.As I already have a pair of Solomon & Solomon[1] socks (sadly faded, as I got them in about 1990), the Kapersky socks would double the size of the museum.
[1] At an S&S presentation, we were told anyone who asked a question would get free socks. I asked "Does this count as a question?"