I for one am over joyed.
I'll use this database to eliminate my enemies when I seize control in a Marxist revolution.
I will live like a King, as will my top henchmen, whilst all you minions will live in your Marxist Utopia of Equality, where all are equal, no matter what skills, talents, attributes you may have.
The Newspapers will be full of great stories, not the fake propaganda we have at the moment, at how great life is under my rule and how terrible it would be if the alt right ever got back in power.
I'll label anyone who disagrees with my opinions as Nazis, and Racists, and have them silenced or sent for "re-education" as patently anyone disagreeing with me is a fascist bigot.
On my eventual death, pinnacles of journalistic talent, like the Guardian, and all the great leaders like Obama & Corbyn will mourn my passing and glorify my achievements.
Glory to you, the people.
Right, I'm off to walk on my hind legs whilst oinking four legs good, two legs better.
Run along Donkeys.
You've a farm to keep.
I'll be watching.