back to article Canadian cops cuff 11-year-old lad after Grand Theft Auto gets real

Police in Ontario, Canada, got a shock on Saturday night when they pulled over a speeding driver and found an 11-year-old child hopped up on video games behind the wheel. Officers were called when motorists reported a car driving erratically north of Toronto on Highway 400 at around 11pm. The vehicle was spotted driving north …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "Thankfully Canada is a more civilized place,.."

    Anyone still wondering why only Canada takes Canada seriously?

    The kid pulling over then speeding away had to involve an audible VROOOOOM!! This image got me good.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      In some more panicky places (we're looking at you, America) there might have been an officer-related shooting...

      Thanks, Ian, for your bigotry.

      1. Jeffrey Nonken

        ...except that he's right, here in the U.S. it probably would have gone down that way.

        1. Triggerfish

          7 year old from Utah stole car because he found Sunday Church boring,

          He was not shot, but it's great watching him bail and scarper for the house once he realises the police are after him.

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          " in the U.S. it probably would have gone down that way."

          I'm here in the US too, and I say YOU are probably wrong. Your turn.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Thr kid would have to be black, of course.

            1. wolfetone Silver badge

              You know there's a song by the Manic Street Preachers called "Ifwhiteamericaknewthetruthforonedayitsworldwouldfallapart"

              Right here in the reaction to the writers comment about the kid probably being shot shows you that there are some in America who can't handle the truth. All the world over that is what we see of America. Freely happy to give guns out because it's their "right", then wondering why kids are being shot in school by other kids or other gun nut idiots.

              It wasn't even that long ago a child died after shooting a gun themselves, or when a toddler took a gun out of his moms purse and shot the mother dead. Even yesterday some idiot went in to a college and started shooting the students.

              But if a writer says the kid would be more likely to be shot in America than Canada, nooooo thats wrong! Nooooo you can't be saying that. Downvote for you, downvote for you, everyone gets a downvote.

              1. Prst. V.Jeltz Silver badge

                re yesterdays ohio shooting

                its barely making the news anymore

                1. d3vy

                  Re: re yesterdays ohio shooting

                  I was in florida for the first two weeks of November.

                  The first night there, Downtown orlando 3 people shot at a party.

                  Over the course of the next two weeks I saw at least 3 more news reports about different shootings *JUST IN ORLANDO*.

                  Its anecdotal I know but based on my experience Id say that the US most definitely has an issue.

                2. David Neil

                  Re: re yesterdays ohio shooting

                  Well it wasn't a shooting incident, it was a guy in a car who ran over a group then got a bit stabby with the rest

              2. Anonymous Coward
                Anonymous Coward

                100,000 shootings every year, 10,000 killed every year. But some people still choose to believe there is no gun problem in America.

                1. Anonymous Coward
                  Anonymous Coward

                  Bigger picture...

                  The USA has a lot of weapons to protect North America because Mexico isn't strong enough yet (their defense is rapidly growing). With this responsibility, there will be senseless casualties. I'm not sure if the world understands the 1st world land hold the USA is responsible for. Of course maybe the rest of the world would like the North American continent defended by... Canada ?

                  Don't forget what happened to England in WWII and why England called the USA for help. Many might not like us here in the USA, but we will ultimately answer your call (of course for a price, the true English way).

                2. Antron Argaiv Silver badge

                  100,000 shootings every year, 10,000 killed every year. But some people still choose to believe there is no gun problem in America.

                  ...and just think of the number of *misses*.

                  Makes you want to invest in ammunition futures.

              3. Anonymous Coward
                Anonymous Coward

                "All the world over that is what we see of America."

                No. What you see of America is what the utterly corrupt leftist press wants you to believe, just like they wanted everyone to believe Hillary could not lose. The truth is that if you take away the inner city black on black violence (due to the corrosive Democrat control of those cities), America has a violent crime rate similar to Europe. So I respectfully request that you shove it.

                1. wolfetone Silver badge

                  "No. What you see of America is what the utterly corrupt leftist press wants you to believe, just like they wanted everyone to believe Hillary could not lose. The truth is that if you take away the inner city black on black violence (due to the corrosive Democrat control of those cities), America has a violent crime rate similar to Europe. So I respectfully request that you shove it."

                  Come to the UK and say that to my face.

                  Oh wait, you can't, because you can't bring your gun. And America's solution to solving problems is through the use of guns. When you don't have a gun what do you have? Some thick coward who's parents were related before they were married who gets shown up by a Cuban who has better literacy and medical care than they do.

                  So delightfully and promptly fuck off.

                  1. Anonymous Coward
                    Anonymous Coward

                    "Come to the UK and say that to my face."

                    If I did, would you then set about me to prove Murcans are inherently violent?

                    1. wolfetone Silver badge

                      "If I did, would you then set about me to prove Murcans are inherently violent?"

                      No, I'd set out to prove that 'muricans are only brave and good at fighting when they have access to weapons.

  2. Servman

    Not charged

    In Canada, the minimum age to lay any kind of criminal charge is 12.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Not charged but could have been ticketed

      Still could have been given a ticket which would have prevented him from trying to get his license starting at 15 (in some places in Canada). I'm sure the parents are reminding him of that. In Canada parents have to (or had to) agree, sign for, children under 18 to get and keep a driver license. It is easily the most powerful threat parents will ever hold over some children.

  3. Haku

    Must've been a really good GTA driver then if he didn't knock down scores of light poles, or run over dozens of pedestrians, let alone side-swipe most parked cars and repeatedly crash into oncoming traffic.

    1. Old one

      divided highway

      the 400 is an 8 lane DIVIDED limited access highway... NO pedestrians, NO parked cars & NO head on traffic.

      1. JetSetJim

        Re: divided highway

        > NO head on traffic

        depends on which ramp you use to get on it, surely

      2. thegroucho

        Re: divided highway

        Takes one precise handbrake turn to ensure there are head on cars.

        Also there have been plenty of crashes I have seen where all vehicles ave been going in the same direction.

        Just come driving on M25 (London, UK that is) on any given day and there will be plenty of prangs.

        Whereas the head on traffic ones probably count on the fingers of my hands for the whole existence of M25.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "Thankfully Canada is a more civilized place, and after being arrested, the tiny tearaway was told not to do it again"

    ... I expect he's learnt his lesson (i.e. stopped by police == restart game!)

    1. Haku


      I expect the police also took away all his ammo.

  5. DiViDeD

    Sorry to sound like an old grumpy.. ..

    .. but what sort of braindead parent thinks it's a good idea to let an 11 year old play GTA? Would they also happily drop him off at the cinema to watch a couple of hours of 120 Days of Sodom?

    There's stuff for grownups and stuff for kids. Some people need to learn the bloody difference.

    1. Haku

      Re: Sorry to sound like an old grumpy.. ..

      A friend of mine won't let his 10 year old anywhere near the GTA series, but he'll happily play Counter-Strike with him...

      1. lglethal Silver badge

        Re: Sorry to sound like an old grumpy.. ..

        "A friend of mine won't let his 10 year old anywhere near the GTA series, but he'll happily play Counter-Strike with him..."

        Let me guess, he's american?

      2. d3vy

        Re: Sorry to sound like an old grumpy.. ..

        Well, I won't let my two anywhere near grand but have no issues with them playing halo.

        Sat and watched dead pool with them too, fast forward past the sexy sex and some of the worse bits and that's about it, my oldest got bored and went to watch some Minecraft video on YouTube and the youngest watched to the end but said it wasn't as good as avengers.

        Id rather they did these things supervised by me, if you try to outright ban them they will do what I did.. go to a friend's house and do it there.

        Still the last GTA I played was a 2d overhead view... If be ok with them playing that.

        1. Trevor_Pott Gold badge

          Re: Sorry to sound like an old grumpy.. ..

          "Guns and killing are okay, but sex is the devil!"

          You make me physically ill.

          1. Adam 52 Silver badge

            Re: Sorry to sound like an old grumpy.. ..

            Err, did you just make that quote up so you could be offended by it? Text search can't find it on the page and there are no withdrawn posts.

            1. Spacedinvader

              Re: Sorry to sound like an old grumpy.. ..

              "watched dead pool, fast forward past the sex"

              1. Prst. V.Jeltz Silver badge

                Re: Sorry to sound like an old grumpy.. ..

                "watched dead pool, fast forward past the sex"

                fine . no point forcing young kids to watch sex.

                re hearing swearing on teamspeak and kids choose not to repeat it . well done good kids

                my stepson (just turnerd 14) swears like a trooper, especially when you try to get him up in the morning . he does have *some* idea of when it might not be acceptable, but not quite. Gets it from his mum.

          2. d3vy

            Re: Sorry to sound like an old grumpy.. ..


            "Guns and killing are okay, but sex is the devil!"

            I refer you back to my original comment, as you seem to have struggled to read it correctly the first time:

            "fast forward past the sexy sex and some of the worse bits and that's about it"

            Some of the worse bits certainly included most of the car chase bridge scene and any of the more graphic death scenes, after those are removed its basically avengers/barman with swearing, I have no issue with my kids hearing swearing*

            * They know not to repeat it.

            Come to think of it they also know not to stab people... funny that. Almost like watching a film doesnt affect their behavior that much. What a shock.

            Finally Ill just point out that I didnt tell you the age of my kids, for all you know they are 17.

        2. Known Hero

          Re: Sorry to sound like an old grumpy.. ..

          @d3vy you deserve some support as people are jumping the gun and being all SJW'ey

          Same here, I edited Deadpool and removed the more extreme parts, as the media made a frenzy of the film online and one of my kids really really really wanted to see it, so I made it possible. I can remember watching Terminator when I was a kid well under 18, and I consider myself to be well adjusted, have good morals and loathe violence.

          I don't let my kids play GTA either, to many complex questions to answer for their age, but we do play Rainbow Siege six together, along with a host of other games including : Farming Sim, Factorio, C&C. I even allow them to play with my mates on Teamspeak, they even hear bad language, yet funnily enough know its wrong and make the choice not to use it as that is how they have been taught / parented.

          @trevor-Pott, Guns & violence ok but not sex ??? I am happy to reference almost any cartoon; it is the same content, just the art form used is different.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Edited for Juniors

            @Known Hero; "I edited Deadpool and removed the more extreme parts"

            "Didn't this movie used to have a war in it?"

          2. d3vy

            Re: Sorry to sound like an old grumpy.. ..

            @Known Hero

            "I can remember watching Terminator when I was a kid well under 18, and I consider myself to be well adjusted, have good morals and loathe violence."

            Exactly, People seem to forget that when we were kids we did the same things. I remember watching the original robocop with my dad I'd guess that I was around 9/10 at the time.

            Despite this I have never shot/stabbed anyone, I did once force a van off the road into a pool of acid, but that had NOTHING to do with watching robocop :)

            I see no reason to stop my kids doing the things that I did when I was younger.

          3. Trevor_Pott Gold badge

            Re: Sorry to sound like an old grumpy.. ..

            "Guns & violence ok but not sex ??? I am happy to reference almost any cartoon; it is the same content, just the art form used is different."

            You mean American cartoons, the ones that perpetuate their cracked view of the world?


            Just because it's on the TV doesn't mean it's a good plan to base your morality, ethics or culture on it. Same goes with listening to them as thump a holy book and preach obedience to their interpretation of words written by dead men long ago.

            There's nothing at all wrong with sex.

            There's a fuck of a lot wrong with violence and killing.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    A few years ago I provided some teenage brothers with a decent PC as the younger one wanted to gain expertise in Excel. GTA turned out to be the favourite application for the older one.

    I learned later that in his early teens he had a track record in joyriding - then torching the stolen car. GTA seemed to give him the thrills without the risks to all concerned.

    Psychologists often seem to come to the conclusion that banning access to a fantasy play is counter-productive. The ban actually makes it more likely that the person will go and do the real world activity.

    1. M7S

      Careful now

      "The ban actually makes it more likely that the person will go and do the real world activity". There's a similar argument to be made regarding the option of simulating (definitely no t in that last word) other activities where real world enactment causes considerable harm, however shrill voices currently shout this one out of rational debate and consideration, hence prohibitions on certain kinds of pseudo-photographs, but strangely not violent images.

      I'm not entirely convinced of the merits of such a moralistic attitude, and imagine that some desires can be assuaged by artificial images, be they sexual practices, a desire for combat or just street racing. You experience would seem to validate this theorem, it's a shame the chance for our society to perhaps reduce harm by testing this is not currently an option.

      My own encounter with Canadian police did leave me with a positive impression that they were restrained and reasonable. In the UK various authorities (Youth offending teams, Social services and the like) would all have been invited to the party, not necessarily to the benefit of the child.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Careful now

        A BBC Radio 4 series of five programmes last week was titled "The Power of Negative Thinking". One episode said that thinking very positively about doing something - actually reduces your actual activity on that task. Apparently the brain can then tick a box and say "done that".

        I think this was the episode:

        When my diabetes put an embargo on cakes - I used to look at the bakery displays and savour the remembered taste and texture in my mind. I also remembered how often they had not lived up to expectations. Counter intuitively that seemed to satiate my desire to buy one. The above programme seemed to explain that situation - my brain could tick the "done that" box without actually eating a cake.

        1. Hollerithevo

          Re: Careful now

          Excellent advice on the diabetes front: I learned to do that too and it really works. I also tell myself I could have it if I wanted, but maybe next month.

          1. James Hughes 1

            Re: Careful now

            Anecdotal, but I tend to drive about the place quite rapidly (not in town/villages), or at least as rapidly as my 02 plate Civic 1.6S will go. BUT, when I was kart racing and then car racing, my speed on the roads dropped considerably. Because I was getting the buzz elsewhere. I suspect video games may have a similar effect in some people.

            Now I just watch my boys karting, feel jealous, and drive fast(ish) on the road.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Careful now

        "[...] however shrill voices currently shout this one out of rational debate and consideration, [..]"

        Such people are often apparently driven by their own inner demons. They assume that everyone else is as close to losing control of themselves as they feel they are. So by imposing control on everyone else they hope they will control themselves too.

        This is often exemplified by their righteous attitude that the something doesn't affect them - but it will corrupt all other people outside their clique. Is their "holier than thou" attitude a need to be able to feel good about themselves - but only by denigrating everyone else?

        It always surprises me that people who vet internet images say how terrible they are - yet they do it every day. If displaced from the task they will apparently take the earliest opportunity to get back into doing it again. One high ranking policeman said that if anyone on his team started to express a rational view about the pictures then they would be removed immediately.

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I didn't let my kids play GTA until they were 15 & 17

    whereupon they graciously thanked me: "We'd never have got half the jokes in it if you'd let us play it when we were younger" and it instantly made up for years of complaining :-)

  8. tekHedd

    "reset button"???

    Wow, some of these cops need to play GTA. When you die you wake up outside the hospital, on foot, with no guns. NO GUNS!!! YOU THINK THAT'S NOT A TERRIBLE FATE?

    1. Jeffrey Nonken

      Re: "reset button"???

      Also it's called RESPAWN NOT RESET. Jeebus. You'd think they'd never played a video game in their lives!

  9. Winkypop Silver badge

    "when the cops decided to intervene"

    Code for: "when the cops decided to leave Tim Hortons"

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "... Fortunately no one was killed..."

    No sir, you should have said "...Fortunately no one was wasted..."

  11. Dan 55 Silver badge

    It's not as if there aren't any parental controls on consoles

    So really, it's just the parents not giving a fuck.

  12. Big_Boomer

    GTA is an 18 certificate game

    As usual a computer game takes the blame for incompetent parents. It's a shame Johnny didn't total their car as then they would have felt the financial pain rather than just a bollocking from the RCMP.

    My sister asked me years ago if buying it for her 11 year old was appropriate. I asked her if stealing cars, screwing hookers, dealing drugs and killing people was appropriate for an 11 year old. She said "Obviously not!" so I said "Then why are you asking if an 18 Cert game is appropriate for an 11 year old?"

    1. Bert 1

      Re: GTA is an 18 certificate game

      "I asked her if stealing cars, screwing hookers, dealing drugs and killing people was appropriate for an 11 year old."

      But apart from the screwing hookers bit, none of that is appropriate for an 18 year old either!

      I fail to see the difference.

      My kids play it, and we talk about it. They like the driving...

    2. Lamont Cranston

      Re: "Then why are you asking..."

      At least she had the sense to ask, so she could make an informed decision. Far too many would just buy it in ignorance.

  13. Paul Woodhouse

    This seems appropriate here...

  14. Anonymous Coward

    I miss the first GTA

    Now if only they would do a refresh, where the Krishnas were replaced with Chuggers.......

    1. Paul Woodhouse

      Re: I miss the first GTA


  15. djvrs

    'Will somebody please think of the children'

    The do gooders will be on for banning these types of games again - it's the parents that need sorting!

    1. Andrew Moore

      there's the issue- the parents that scream and froth at the mouth about these kind of things are usually the ones that are trying to deflect attention from their own parenting...

  16. Evil Auditor Silver badge

    "He's only eleven years old,"

    Kill 'em! Before they grow big.

    Where's the sarcasm icon?

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