"Oh no, not again"
'Data saturation' helped to crash the Schiaparelli Mars probe
The European Space Agency (ESA) has released results of its early investigations into the crash of the Schiaparelli Mars probe and it sounds like software may have been a part of the problem. "A large volume of data recovered from the Mars lander shows that the atmospheric entry and associated braking occurred exactly as …
Thursday 24th November 2016 23:33 GMT Anonymous Coward
Yeah, didn't we see something similar with Ariane 5?
(Corr: not really, there sensors (correctly) reported an acceleration so strong an overflow occurred when converting from float-to-integer in useless Ariane 4 code left in the package, an overflow trap was raised (in violation of IEEE 754 default policy), a trap handler did not exist, software then trapped to an exception handler which proceeded to dump debugging information into a memory area used by motor guidance. Repeat with the backup computer. See also page 22 of How Java's Floating-Point Hurts Everyone Everywhere from 2004 by Numerical Computation Wrestler Prof. William Kahan et al.)
Thursday 24th November 2016 23:57 GMT Martin Gregorie
Yeah, didn't we see something similar with Ariane 5?
The problem with the Apollo 11 LM's onboard computer looks like a better match.
There, leaving a docking radar on overloaded the computer's interrupt handler when they got near the lunar surface, but fortunately there was an astronaut on board who was able to manually fly the landing.
Here, violent gyrations as the parachute opened seem to have overloaded the IMU and caused it to output garbage which upset the computer that managed the landing.
A faster IMU and improved garbage detection and rejection would both seem like a good idea.
Friday 25th November 2016 15:40 GMT placeforhandle
Re: Yeah, didn't we see something similar with Ariane 5?
"The problem with the Apollo 11 LM's onboard computer looks like a better match." - no, no, no and again no. You have done a terrible thing with your post - you should delete it!
The story of the 1201 and 1202 alarms on the lunar module is a marvellous and wonderful story of how to do it *right*.
I commend it to all readers, it's an amazing thing to read.
Then go listen to / watch the original footage and here Buzz(?) call out the alarms and feel the tension.
Saturday 26th November 2016 05:25 GMT swm
Re: Yeah, didn't we see something similar with Ariane 5?
As I remember (and I listened to this live) the error was not flipping a switch that would synchronize the radar measuring height from the lunar surface and the radar measuring the distance to the lunar orbiter. This switch was not thrown because of a documentation/checklist error. So instead of having about 30% free time the computer had only 2% free time. Whenever an astronaut attempted to query the system it ran out of real time and caused these alerts.
But the software didn't crash - it just dumped some real-time processes so it could keep computing more important stuff. The fix was for the astronauts not to interrogate the computer. The final landing was manual after the computer had perfectly guided the lander to a particular place/velocity over the lunar surface. The tenseness during the landing (when ground control realized something was happening but didn't want to interrupt the pilot) was that everything had gone according to plan except that there were so many craters and the pilot was looking for a place to land. The media commentators did not have a clue during the whole landing.
Friday 25th November 2016 13:05 GMT Arthur the cat
an acceleration so strong an overflow occurred when converting from float-to-integer in useless Ariane 4 code left in the package, an overflow trap was raised (in violation of IEEE 754 default policy)
If my very rusty memory isn't lying to me, Ada requires a trap on overflow, so IEEE 754 policy has nothing to do with it. The problem was caused by the Ariane 4 code saving two precious bytes of RAM and then nobody checking whether the variable was large enough for Ariane 5 conditions. There was no trap handler defined because "of course it can never happen, Ariane 4 can't accelerate that much". If they'd actually put a comment in to that effect, maybe someone would have noticed.
Friday 25th November 2016 10:07 GMT Kane
"Oh no, not again"
Actually, that was the bowl of petunias. But have an upvote anyway.
Mines the one with the Sub-Etha Sens-O-Matic in the back pocket, thank you.
Thursday 24th November 2016 21:51 GMT Anonymous Coward
Welcome to embedded system engineering
I have seen it so many times, I no longer even laugh.
Trying to explain the Postel principle to an embedded engineer is like trying to convince an evangelical fundie that the world is more than 6000 years old.
And do it again.
There is nothing easier than validating location and altitude readings. Just compute f*** first derivatives. If it looks like you have accelerated at 10000G and have broken the light barrier you definitely got a duff reading.
Friday 25th November 2016 01:44 GMT Blofeld's Cat
Re: Welcome to embedded system engineering
" I'm not sure that there's any reason deploying parachutes at a negative altitude."
I believe Wile E Coyote has done this on numerous occasions.
It appears to be the standard failure mode for parachutes according to the rules of comedy. The parachute then floats down and completely covers the lander-shaped hole in the Martian surface.
Friday 25th November 2016 04:57 GMT julianh72
Re: Welcome to embedded system engineering
Re: Deploying a parachute at negative altitude:
This happens just about every day to Wile E. Coyote: pursues Road Runner, falls off cliff, tugs desperately at rip-cord, hits the ground, making a coyote-shaped hole - and then the parachute pops out of the ground, and settles gracefully down over the coyote.
I'd like to think that is how Schiaparelli's last moments transpired!
This post has been deleted by its author
This post has been deleted by its author
Friday 25th November 2016 12:49 GMT Destroy All Monsters
Re: Welcome to embedded system engineering
From: http://www.nytimes.com/1985/06/20/us/laser-test-fails-to-strike-mirror-in-space-shuttle.html
"Several critics quickly cited the failure as evidence of bigger problems to come. They said this mistake, a simple human error capable of upsetting a complex technological effort, was the type that could be the ultimate undoing of the proposed antimissile shield."
Yeah, I remember when the news was that one could get a functional SDI infrastructure for, like, 1 trillion dollar. Which is, what, 1/42th of the national debt now (or 1/200th by some reckonings)? And the only thing that does even work 30+ years later is anti-Iranian missile bases in Romania (more like first-strike caps on Russia, amIrite?)
The retardation and belief in technological marvels was just amazing.
Thursday 24th November 2016 22:23 GMT Anonymous Coward
I would never fly anything ESA designed (if they ever get to that stage) if they let this sort of thing completely screw up their system.
How friggin fragile do they design their software?
Don't they test with various sensor fail (or temporary fail) issues, as well as take bad readings into account even during the initial design process?
Just embarrising for ESA.
Friday 25th November 2016 12:41 GMT Anonymous Coward
It's not outside the realms of possibility that both the IMU and the navigation system performed to within the written system specs.
I don't know about software, but from a mechanical engineering point of view, specifications for spaaaaace engineering are very tightly controlled and a lot of written and test evidence has to be supplied to show that the specification is met.
Difficult to believe, but a lot of engineers can actually say their part of the lander design was a success.
Thursday 24th November 2016 22:58 GMT Anonymous Coward
Seems like the system could have been a little more roboust
So a disagreement in data between sensors for 1-2 seconds cause the parachute to be discarded and the retros to stop firing?
Even if the computer made a momentary calculation that the probe had landed, wouldn't it be safer to reduce thrusters and retain the chute until landing had been confirmed?
Friday 25th November 2016 08:18 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: Seems like the system could have been a little more roboust
No, the parachute must be discarded earlier so it doesn't risk to cover the probe, and thrusters must also be turned of before landing if you don't want to heat, blow and contaminate the landing site.
That said, as others pointed out, the software should have been able to cope with unexpected readings - they had the NASA example when the vibrations caused by the deploy of the landing legs triggered a reading as if the probe has landed - and the subsequent engine cut-off.
But they wouldn't be the first developers who don't understand the need to cope with unexpected situations... data never lie, right?
Friday 25th November 2016 11:18 GMT SkippyBing
Re: Seems like the system could have been a little more roboust
I would have thought a simple timer would have solved a lot of problems, the time to fall to the Mars surface must be trivially easy to calculate for a space agency. There's no need to even start thinking about the ground until you're within a tolerable margin of that time and then you can start looking for it with a radar altimeter.
Friday 25th November 2016 18:29 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: Seems like the system could have been a little more roboust
"Considering how good boffins are at calculating things like you say - time to fall, it seems odd to me that it's not all done on a timer."
As I recall, the Russians did actually use drum timers for a lot of things on their spacecraft.
Many years ago I designed a system which carried out a number of interlocks and tests before engaging an array of instruments and then hitting something with a most enormous zap and waiting to decide if it was necessary to pull the main breakers before uncontrolled rapid ignition of the test system happened. The whole thing was software controlled but, in parallel, I had an old fashioned drum timer with microswitches which was able to abort the whole sequence at each phase if critical conditions were not met. Because sooner or later after I left somebody was going to try to alter the program. The drum timer lived in a transparent plastic box so it could be inspected before each run. It is difficult to do this with software.
Friday 25th November 2016 17:43 GMT a_yank_lurker
Re: Seems like the system could have been a little more roboust
@SkippyBing - There is a tendency to be overly complex when something simple will work much more reliably. The physics for the descent are well known and the calculations should be doable by an undergraduate without a computer. An example when KISS should be remembered.
Sunday 27th November 2016 15:23 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: Seems like the system could have been a little more roboust
Yes, solving a great mass of fluid-dynamics equations in advance, when you don't know what the atmosphere will be doing that day or the exact details of the velocity and position of the spacecraft as it enters the atmosphere or the topography of the ground where it will end up is easy. That's why the Apollo LEM, which didn't have the problem of atmosphere to deal with didn't need all that landing radar stuff. Oh, wait, it did need landing radar.
Thursday 24th November 2016 23:04 GMT Anonymous Coward
Dynamic analysis...
Appears to have been forgotten or been inadequate. There are loads of software tools out there that could have helped spot this sort of issue.
You would have thought that everything would have been thrown at a system that's going to fly so far before it gets run "live"...
Thursday 24th November 2016 23:09 GMT Dwarf
Bravo El Reg for the HHG reference - Perfect, unlike the code on the lander.
I'm left wondering how time sensitive the "getting your kit out" stage is on landing. I would expect that it would at least court the ground its just landed on for a bit before deciding to whip it all out.
After all, if anything unlikely were to happen on landing, then all the sensitive bits are still packed away nice and safe and out of harms way.
Friday 25th November 2016 00:06 GMT Destroy All Monsters
Re: Its called Failure Modes and Effects Analysis....
As I recall, FMEA and/or FMECA or similar analysis are required on any spacegoing systems at ESA, you can be sure this wasn't dropped on the floor.
Now, according to Jimbo's Patent Entry On Fault Tree Analysis, FMEA is a bit problematic?
Early in the Apollo project the question was asked about the probability of successfully sending astronauts to the moon and returning them safely to Earth. A risk, or reliability, calculation of some sort was performed and the result was a mission success probability that was unacceptably low. This result discouraged NASA from further quantitative risk or reliability analysis until after the Challenger accident in 1986. Instead, NASA decided to rely on the use of failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) and other qualitative methods for system safety assessments. After the Challenger accident, the importance of PRA (Probabilistic Risk Assessment) and FTA (Fault Tree Analysis) in systems risk and reliability analysis was realized and its use at NASA has begun to grow and now FTA is considered as one of the most important system reliability and safety analysis techniques.
Within the nuclear power industry, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission began using PRA methods including FTA in 1975, and significantly expanded PRA research following the 1979 incident at Three Mile Island. This eventually led to the 1981 publication of the NRC Fault Tree Handbook NUREG–0492, and mandatory use of PRA under the NRC's regulatory authority.
NUREG-0492 (from 1981, 209 pages) can be obtained from yonder page or apparently for ~12 Brexit Pounds from amazon.co.uk (someone at amazon.com sells it for USD $183.38 wut?). It's very readable.
Thursday 24th November 2016 23:55 GMT Anonymous Coward
Life somewhat imitating Art
Stanislaw Lem writes about a failed landing of a 1⁵ ton rocket on Mars in "Ananke" (More Tales of Pirx The Pilot)
Such was the brain, so overburdened with spurious tasks as to be rendered incapable of dealing with real ones, that stood at the helm of a hundred-thousand-tonner. Each of Cornelius’s computers was afflicted with the “anankastic syndrome”: a compulsion to repeat, to complicate simple tasks; a formality of gestures, a pattern of ritualized behavior. They simulated not the anxiety, of course, but its systemic reactions. Paradoxically, the fact that they were new, advanced models, equipped with a greater memory, facilitated their undoing: they could continue to function, even with their circuits overloaded.
Still, something in the Agathodaemon’s zenith must have precipitated the end—the approach of a strong head wind, perhaps, calling for instantaneous reactions, with the computer mired in its own avalanche, lacking any overriding function. It had ceased to be a real-time computer; it could no longer model real events; it could only founder in a sea of illusions… When it found itself confronted by a huge mass, a planetary shield, its program refused to let it abort the procedure, which, at the same time, it could no longer continue. So it interpreted the planet as a meteorite on a collision course, this being the last gate, the only possibility acceptable to the program. Since it couldn’t communicate that to the cockpit—it wasn’t a reasoning human being, after all—it went on computing, calculating to the bitter end: a collision meant a 100 percent chance of annihilation, an escape maneuver, a 90-95 percent chance, so it chose the latter: emergency thrust!
It all made sense. Logical—but without the slightest shred of evidence. It was something unprecedented. How could he confirm his suspicions? The psychiatrist who had treated Cornelius, helped him, given him job clearance? The Hippocratic oath would seal his lips, and the seal of secrecy could be broken only by a court order. Meanwhile, six days from now, the Ares…
Friday 25th November 2016 20:47 GMT arctic_haze
Re: Life somewhat imitating Art
You beat me to it. Yes, Ananke was the story which came out of my deep memory the moment I read the article.
Mars - tick; crash landing - tick; overloaded computer - tick; bad programming - tick.
The only difference was that the automatic ship Ananke was landing on Mars while we already had bases over there.
Friday 25th November 2016 00:18 GMT Sampler
Sci-Fi Story
Wouldn't that make a great Sci-Fi story, the opening sequence half of a major city (New York say, because it's always America) get's destroyed by an alien weapon that impacts and reduces the place to a crater, ~1.6 million wiped out in a second.
When the next wave turns up in orbit we nuke 'em to hell and the war begins in earnest, man vs invader.
Only, in the M.Night Shyamalan twist at the end, it wasn't a weapon at all, just a probe to see what we humans were all about, but guidance fucked up and it planted itself in Central Park...
Friday 25th November 2016 00:30 GMT Destroy All Monsters
Re: Sci-Fi Story
Nah, I would redo the ending with humanity having been taken over and euthanised by an evil collusion of pseudo-intelligent talkbots descended from Siri, Tay, Ms. Baidu et al. and badly programmed, insecure IoT devices.
These proceed to kick the Alien's arse fiercely because, well, they are soulless killer zombie bots from hell.
In the final scene, Clippy appears on the beleaguered Alien's Mothership Main Screen and goes: "Ding Ding! You seem to be trying to develop automatics. Do you want a little help?". Then everything is blown away.
Friday 25th November 2016 11:55 GMT Jonathan Richards 1
Grammar Q.
Genuine answer from a native English speaker:
I think the very correct wording is indeed "... helped to crash ...". In spoken and vernacular (British) English one might very well leave out the 'to', thus "I just helped Dad wash the car" is perfectly understandable, but Pedantic Grammar Nazi [icon] would have you say "I just helped Dad to wash the car".
Edit: added closing quotes. Muphry's Law strikes again!
Friday 25th November 2016 01:19 GMT MNGrrrl
Easily said, not easily done
People say "Just sanity check the inputs!" ... but of course, they fall silent when asked what the corrective action should be in software. Detecting bad input doesn't mean anything if you don't have a way to correct for it. This is not just about sanity checking the input data -- it's also about poor simulations that did not see how the software would handle excursions from the expected flight profile. Of course a chute opening is going to torque the vehicle... and if they'd properly setup the simulation, they'd have discovered that in a stupidly thin atmosphere like Mars, the rotational rate can be very high, and that their IMU could saturate, and once they saw that, they could have setup logic to handle saturation.
They didn't do any of that. Don't blame the programmers -- it wasn't their job to "sanity check" the inputs... if they were told the IMU would only report data within range X, and it left range X, what are they supposed to do? Write "Can't happen" in the comments and then add magical pixie dust code that correctly guesses a resolution?
Friday 25th November 2016 04:34 GMT Gene Cash
Re: Easily said, not easily done
No, the simplest thing to do with an insane reading is to ignore it until it becomes sane again.
I've seen all kinds of sensors (RPM, speed, acceleration, temperature, etc) temporarily report either full-scale or zero for a couple samples. Hell, I've had open/close sensors report both states at the same time. I've also seen the exact same sensors never do that in testing, no matter how hard you mistreated it.
And *YES* it *IS* their job to sanity check the results.
Friday 25th November 2016 21:13 GMT energystar
Re: Easily said, not easily done
Maybe 'Reality Check' Meta Processes Needed Up There. How is that hight goes from 2Km To -0.1Km In a Fraction of s? Hum...
Young Coding? Lack of Continuity on Legacy Heritage?
How Could a young coder, knowing almost nothing of Physics On-The-Field experiences, know that a sensor could behave -at rare, random moments- in such a way?
Saturday 26th November 2016 00:07 GMT MNGrrrl
Re: Easily said, not easily done
> No, the simplest thing to do with an insane reading is to ignore it until it becomes sane again.
I don't think you're grasping my point here: You're expecting programmers to be physicists. They aren't. They don't know what physical forces will be in play, what the flight model is, what the possible dynamic forces at work are... they only know code. They have to be told exactly what's going to happen, in what order, and what to do if what is expected *doesn't* occur (read: Failure modes). If they weren't told that the IMU could go off-scale high or low -- there's no reason to expect them to code for that possibility, and even if they did... where would that logic branch terminate?
It's easy to say "Oh just wait until it becomes sane again". Okay, fine. Wait for how long? What if the sensor is broken, and will never again return a sane reading? What if the readings are within the expected range, but are behaving in an otherwise anomalous fashion (ie, incrementing upwards during a descent)?
You can't just say "Sanity check!" and hand wave the problem away, as everyone in this thread has done. This isn't like normal computer science -- these guys weren't building a data interface for a web page, where they had professional knowledge of what "sane" ought to be. These guys are ordinary programmers, not rocket scientists. You cannot expect them to be the all-knowing gods of information systems. If they weren't told (and it's very clear they weren't) that the sensor could exhibit this kind of behavior, then we cannot blame them for designing a processing system that would not discard its input when said behavior presented!
As I said before: This was a problem with the simulations. This was a problem with systems integration. It was not a programming flaw: The computer didn't crash with an unrecoverable error during descent. It didn't hang. It didn't branch to the wrong code segment because someone typed '1' instead of 'l'. It wasn't a case of a dereferenced pointer to invalid data that caused the failure. It performed exactly as designed.
This is hardly a unique problem to the ESA: Planes have fallen out of the sky before due to blocked pitot tubes I don't even know how many times, because the PILOTS (not computers, but the intelligent meat bags you're trusting with your life) didn't realize that the airspeed, altitude, or other standard indicators, might lie to them. These are people that know everything there is to know about how an airplane flies and its various dynamic modes of flight... and even they, with all the knowledge and training, could succumb to a simple sensor error.
Shall we yell at the pilots for not "sanity checking" all of their sensor inputs too? Even pilots, if they aren't trained to be aware of what these sorts of failure modes look like, will often fail. What hope does a computer have of recovering from something so unexpected? This was NOT a programming mistake. The end, and I don't care how many of you downvote me, you're still wrong.
Saturday 3rd December 2016 16:21 GMT anonymous boring coward
Re: Easily said, not easily done
" If they weren't told that the IMU could go off-scale high or low -- there's no reason to expect them to code for that possibility"
That's absurd.
If the sensor CAN generate a value, no matter how improbable, it must be accounted for somehow! Not effing crash the program/system!
Otherwise you are just building a house of cards.
Friday 25th November 2016 09:37 GMT anonymous boring coward
Re: Easily said, not easily done
"Don't blame the programmers -- it wasn't their job to "sanity check" the inputs... IF they were told the IMU would only report data within range X"
That's a pretty big IF!
But if that IF is correct, then, obviously it's the fault of whoever designed the IMU.
Still, the whole system would be much more robust if each module did additional sanity checks, not trusting other modules to work according to spec at all times.
Embarrising all round.
This is billions of taxpayer's Euros/Pounds/Krona.
Friday 25th November 2016 02:06 GMT Anonymous Coward
Even shittier than the programmers' failure to learn from past mistakes was the scene at the press conference the day after the crash, when the ridiculous ESA bureaucrats patheticly attempted to persuade us that the mission was mostly successful because the lander almost reached the ground.
Friday 25th November 2016 10:20 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: "the mission was mostly successful because the lander almost reached the ground"
In some ways it was successful as from what I gather the lander was to some extent a matter of "we're sending a probe to Mars this year so why not send a lander with it to check that our landing system works for the rover we're sending in 2 years time" .... on that basis it was testing the landing system that's vital for the rover and foumd a potential cause of problems, Of course, if you are then hoping that your lander test will actually land properly then you'll say "we're going to land something on Mars so we might as well put some science on it".
Friday 25th November 2016 09:36 GMT Nick Ryan
Re: Pathetitudinous
A bit like the poor sod who fell from the top of a 100 metre tall radio mast - he was 99% successful in surviving the fall.
From that height it's pretty much certain that the fall would have caused him no harm, certainly nothing worse than soiled underwear and aching vocal chords but nothing serious. It's the sudden stop that brings the fall to an end that's usually the problem.
Friday 25th November 2016 05:12 GMT Big Ed
A Lot Like Interrupt Overload
Reminds me of a story about the deployment of an automated luggage handling system at Denver International Airport in the mid-90's. The airport opened to lots of great fanfare and hopes that the automated luggage system could do away with a large contingent of human luggage cart drivers. Only problem was that the robot luggage carts wouldn't stop, missed turns, and even ran into a few planes.
Programmers couldn't figure out how to fix, so airport management and United Airlines had to rip the system out.
Experts were brought in to do a post mortem analysis and reported that the programmers never did proper full-scale testing. And, oh yeah, they made a sh*tty OS choice... seems DOS 3.2 was not a realtime OS and was unable to handle the onslaught of interrupts, which led to all the robot luggage carts crashing into airplanes.
Friday 25th November 2016 11:33 GMT Aging Hippy
Re: Bloody software...
The hardware doesn't always work perfectly even if it's designed properly. It's up to the software to handle what's thrown at it in a predictable way.
Motto for software engineers: If it can go wrong it will go wrong. If it can't go wrong it will go wrong on the first live run (some projects only have one live run !!).
No they don't train software engineers properly, very few universities have courses that cover the software / hardware boundary. Around 1990 there was a move by the UK MoD towards getting all engineering designs signed off by a Chartered Engineer. (At the time a CEng involved getting a decent first degree, 7 years of practical and formal training, an existing CEng to back you with their reputation. Then you could start the application process). The intention was to spread this to other government departments. Of course it was easier just to employ anyone who can work out which way up the keyboard goes - they don't ask awkward questions that could delay the project, or delay the parachute release.
We're still at the snake-oil stage of software development where anyone can walk in as an expert. Let's make it a proper profession and get some respect even if we would be liked as much as lawyers.
Comments suggesting more training always get downvotes. To ease anybody's conscience I will point out that I have a Computing Science degree, am a CEng, and worst of all have an MBA.
Friday 25th November 2016 16:36 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: Margaret Hamilton faced this kind of problem . .
Thanks for the link to the intereting Margaret Hamilton story!
"Hamilton wanted to add code to prevent the crash. That idea was overruled by NASA"
That's why you should never ask your magament if you should add some important piece of code. Either there was no point in asking since they ok'ed what you were going to do anyway, or they will give the wrong answer, as they did here.
Friday 25th November 2016 14:26 GMT James 36
the landing bit was just a test wasn't it ?
so even if it failed it was a success as they will have learnt something. for example one of the lessons learnt from beagle was to have data transmitted back during the descent so if anything went wrong then the team would have something to analyse, like what name it gave that noise or the large thing coming up to meet it and if it pondered whether the thing was friendly or not
Saturday 26th November 2016 09:42 GMT Highroads
Full disclosure required
I am sad that Schiaparelli crashed as it seemed like an interesting mission. ESA needs to get to the bottom of this quickly as the next ExoMars mission is apparently using the same landing concept and software. The report on Ariane 5 V501 loss was good and thorough.
They should do the same thing here. Publish the details and let's learn from what went wrong.
Recommendation #2 from the Ariane report seems a good one:
R2 Prepare a test facility including as much real equipment as technically feasible, inject realistic input data, and perform complete, closed-loop, system testing. Complete simulations must take place before any mission. A high test coverage has to be obtained.
I know David Parker is a very competent engineer am sure he will drive this in the right direction.
Saturday 26th November 2016 20:43 GMT jonfr
Why does this happen?
Why does this type of fundamental error happen? They can get quite good RISC space able CPU for this type of thing that doesn't choke on high inflow of information. I also wonder what type of software error makes the sensor read it altitude in a such way that its a negative value.
I guess the software was of bad quality since this happened. I don't think ESA is going to admit that tough. I suspect they have that type of a problem and that is going to be a bigger problem in the future, along with lack of experience in space matters in general.
Monday 28th November 2016 14:42 GMT jonfr
Re: Why does this happen?
I do have standards. None of the current space endeavours set out by the human race meets those standards.
While I don't any experience in dealing with space (mostly because I haven't been there yet). I do have good experience in hunting down software and hardware issues in computers.