Re: And in related news...
"For someone technically minded or has a hobbyist interest: no, it's not."
Then they shouldn't be risking other people's computers putting an unsafe product out on the web. That's why we have people take tests before they get their driver's licenses, tougher tests for commercial licenses. If you're going to run a business out on the web, one should be able to know how to handle it him or herself, AND they MUST assume legal responsibility for any faults that are traced to them, just as accidents can have liability attached. Unlike requiring a license to run a web browser, requiring a license to run a business (and this IS a business) has justification because it services the public.
"It depends. Aside from the learning curve for the average SMB owner, the problem with rolling your own is that you are then entirely responsible for maintaining it, including finding and fixing any vulnerabilities (or even just run of the mill bugs) you might have accidentally introduced."
Just like running a brick & mortar business. You have responsibilities.
"It also makes things like server refresh a pain as you'll have to take your codebase into account."
So does moving.
"That's more responsibility than your average SMB wants to take on."
There's a big difference between WANTING to take it on and NEEDING to take it on.