back to article Microsoft's nerd goggles will run on a toaster

Microsoft's nerd goggles require only a humble PC. But then who needs more than 640KB? Redmond has published the minimum requirements needed to run its AR/VR platform and they're surprisingly humble. Microsoft Holographic, which will be part of future Windows 10 releases, requires a PC with a GPU, but not necessarily a new or …

  1. techSage

    HoloLens is Standalone, Doesn't Have Minimum Requirements

    You say "This makes the minimum requirements... far lower than Microsoft's high-end "augmented reality" platform HoloLens.", but HoloLens is a standalone device that doesn't require a separate PC, so it doesn't have minimum requirements for such.

    1. tony72

      Re: HoloLens is Standalone, Doesn't Have Minimum Requirements

      Yes, this article makes no sense, or I'm confused. As far as I'm aware, the only "nerd goggles" Microsoft is producing is HoloLens. Windows Holographic is not "nerd goggles" in any sense that I can relate to; it's an augmented reality software platform which requires a suitable display device to display its output; that is HoloLens right now. So contrasting the requirements for Windows Holographic and HoloLens would not seem to be meaningful.

      Microsoft has also said it plans to make Windows Holographic work with other VR display devices than HoloLens in the future, but again, contrasting the requirements for Holographic with the requirements for its potential display devices doesn't seem to get you anywhere, since you'd be using both.

    2. james 68

      Re: HoloLens is Standalone, Doesn't Have Minimum Requirements

      Also says needs USB3, but since the Hololens goggles (at least the dev versions do) come with a micro USB2 lead...... pretty sure someone screwed up somewhere.

      (this post - with zero changes - was originally rejected. Seems to have been happening a lot since I called out a certain editor [not A.Orlowski] on his make believe stories a while back, hmmm... wonder if it could be related?)

  2. 45RPM Silver badge

    Actually, I saw Windows 95 running in 4MB on a 16MHz 386SX. It booted. It ran. It was possibly the slowest computer that I’ve ever seen. Slower even than a 233MHz ‘Bondi’ iMac with 64MB RAM running MacOS X 10.1 - and that was pretty tragic.

    I look forward to seeing these gogs running with Linux or macOS. In the new Microsoft, anything’s possible.

    1. Hans Neeson-Bumpsadese Silver badge


      Wasn;t there something on El Reg a while ago where somebody had managed to get Windows 95 running on an iWatch?

      1. 45RPM Silver badge

        Re: Win95

        Yes but, in fairness, an Apple Watch is several orders of magnitude more powerful than the very best PC available at the time of Windows 95's launch. So the feat was only impressive for the sheer pointlessness of it.

        1. Hans Neeson-Bumpsadese Silver badge

          Re: Win95

          only impressive for the sheer pointlessness of it

          That phrase, I think, actually sums up the entire smart watch market rather succinctly

    2. Sandtitz Silver badge

      "Actually, I saw Windows 95 running in 4MB on a 16MHz 386SX. It booted. It ran. It was possibly the slowest computer that I’ve ever seen"

      Check the WinXP on a Pentium 8Mhz / 20MB RAM project!

  3. EddieD


    In Microsoft's defence (God knows why), Win95 definitely would run with 4MB of RAM.

    Okay, stroll.




    I view the nerd goggles spec similarly - I hope though that it's more accurate, my current box has that spec.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Well,

      Actually if I remember rightly the minimum spec for W95 was 1 MB of memory.

      <diety> help you if you ran on a minimum spec machine however.

  4. cambsukguy

    yes, but they only got it wrong by 4MB

  5. Zippy's Sausage Factory

    Good luck finding a PC with more than 2GB RAM these days

    Seriously, going into Worten they're nearly all 2GB. Literally one that was 2GB that I saw.

    1. Mage Silver badge

      Re: Good luck finding a PC with more than 2GB RAM these days

      I just bought a Lenovo half the price of Apple Mac Pro with 2G just for GPU, main memory 4G RAM.

      4G RAM seems standard on decent laptops.

      The local shops and supermarkets have poor spec laptops, but then they cost less than a decent phone or tablet.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Good luck finding a PC with more than 2GB RAM these days


      Never heard of Worton, but I thought I'd try pc world.

      Click on PC's

      Click On desktop

      Click on Tower:

      Most they seem to be advertising are 8gb or 16gb.

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Good luck finding a PC with more than 2GB RAM these days

      Even a basic box shifter like PC Word has 8GB as their most common format

      A quick rough count on their web site shows about 180 models with 8GB or more, and only 23 that are less than 4GB, and those are labelled as being for very light use only.

      AC, well it's PC World init! Last time I went in there, one of their assistants was asking me for advice on Chromebooks!

      1. wolfetone Silver badge

        Re: Good luck finding a PC with more than 2GB RAM these days

        "AC, well it's PC World init! Last time I went in there, one of their assistants was asking me for advice on Chromebooks!"

        Well what do you expect? They're there to assist you in removing money from your bank account. Not to assist you in buying what you need.

  6. wolfetone Silver badge

    Oh, calamity!

    This is NOT going to run on my 486.

  7. Mage Silver badge

    Marketing naming

    Pedant mode

    WHY are LCD TVs with LED back lights called LED TVs? (There ARE Screens that use real LEDs, not the diode like EL panels called OLED or AMOLED, usually at sports or exhibitions, though Sony did demo a TV sized one called "crystal", because LED had been debased by LCD TVs)

    Why are MS calling their products Holographic and Hololens when they are Stereo viewers, nothing whatsoever to do with Holographic techniques or Holograms?

    1. MrDamage

      Re: Marketing naming

      For the same reason why they released a product called "Microsoft Works".

      Redefine a word through marketing and you lower their expectations on quality.

    2. GruntyMcPugh

      Re: Marketing naming

      There are no babies in Babycham, no bears in Bearnaise sauce,... and no woodpeckers in Woodpecker cider. At least LED TVs have _some_ LEDs in them.

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Since when has bloatersoft made anything with a minimal hardware requirement.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Ahem...

      Would the two down voters like to point me in the direction of software from bloatersoft that isn't full of un-needed crap, the latest 6.5GB windows ISO being ample demonstration of bits where they're not needed.

      I needed the SQL client yesterday, 915MB!!!!!!!!!

      I understand fanboyism, but you sycophancy is truly mind boggling.

      1. Sandtitz Silver badge

        Re: Ahem...

        Sycophancy? To what are you comparing this bloaty MS stuff, AC?

        Does that 915MB contain just an SQL client or perhaps some extras that some may need? Windows 10 ISO takes 4GB and Server 2016 about 5 GB - what is this mythical "latest 6.5GB windows ISO"?

        I've never seen a utility (or an operating system) from any vendor that didn't contain something that *I* never needed. Perhaps your whiny tone brought your downvotes.

      2. ThomH Silver badge

        Re: Ahem...

        I dare imagine people are voting on the conflation of minimum and minimal, and because as stated above, the HoloLens does all its processing on-unit, meaning that the PC really doesn't do much of anything at all. Almost certainly giving minimal requirements.

  9. Haku

    That's all very nice, but will it enable me to hack the Gibson whilst listening to some kickin' 90s tunes?

    1. d3vy

      Just make sure you don't hack any banks over state lines.


    2. D@v3


  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Will find

    That is for one eye.

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Ram is cheap, most manufactures offer the laptops with 2gb of ram to keep the price down on low end machines and so they can also charge extra for 4/6/8gb/etc systems.... however more often than not if you work it out, its cheaper to buy the 2gb and slap in some memory on top or throw away the 2gb and fit more ram than it is to buy the machine with more memory... not always.. but more often than not.

  12. scrubber

    Are you from the future?

    "The inclusion of a USB 3.0 may prove more of a stumbling block than the graphical requirements. GPUs that support DirectX 12 date back to around 2014, while USB 3.0 is more recent, only becoming commonplace in the last two to three years."

    You are aware that it is November in 2016? These dates almost entirely align.

    1. Hans 1

      Re: Are you from the future?

      >You are aware that it is November in 2016? These dates almost entirely align.

      Yes, indeed ... then, you need 4 cores, a recent CPU with four cores, like i5 or i7, a Directx 12 GPU AND USB3, which mean fairly recent system ... I wanna know where you can get a i5 toaster with those specs, please.

      Never trust MS' minimal system requirements ... all it probably means is, the thing "turns on", as usual....

      1. kyndair

        Re: Are you from the future?

        I wouldn't try plugging it into a toaster, the bloody thing will just frak you up if you try.

        As far minimum spec goes 'all of this has happened before, and will happen again' but chaos theory suggests at least once by accident they will get it right.

    2. YARR

      I think you must be confusing USB 3 with 3.1 (or C connectors ?). My motherboard is from circa 2010 and has blue SuperSpeed USB3 ports.

  13. Mystic Megabyte


    That reminds me of one of my best hacks. I converted an American 110V toaster to 220V by re-wiring the four heater panels from all being parallel to series-parallel. Muffin?

  14. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Pastor Martin

    First they came for the Clock Cycles, and I did not speak out—

    Because I was not a CPU.

    Then they came for the Memory, and I did not speak out—

    Because I was not a DIMM.

    Then they came for the Storage, and I did not speak out—

    Because I was not a disk platter.

    Then they came for My Data—and there was no one left to speak for me.

    1. Haku

      Re: Pastor Martin one left to speak for me.

      What about Tron? He fights for the user.

  15. Danny 2

    Dentists chairs killer app

    I had root canal drilling today and as the orange specs were placed over my eyes I realised I'd far rather be watching playful kittens or even Playboy bunnies, rather than my dentist transformed into Donald Trump.

  16. Alan Bourke

    Still no holography involved in this.

    the lying liars.

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