It's 2016, throw your CDs in the container and embrace the cloud.
Continuous Lifecycle 2017: Ten days to tell us how DevOps really works
There are just ten days till the call for papers for Continuous Lifecycle London 2017 closes, and we'd hate to miss out on your take on DevOps, Containerization, Continuous Delivery and Agile in the real world. Last orders are on November 30, and the programme committee will be immediately diving in to craft an agenda spanning …
Monday 21st November 2016 16:24 GMT Dan 55
"we'd hate to miss out on your take on DevOps, Containerization, etc... etc..."
I believe the commentariat have described their experience with DevOps, Agile and all that. At length. Lots of times, whenever a DevOps article comes along, which is about twice a day.
Were the answers not suitable?
Tuesday 22nd November 2016 11:26 GMT SVV
Re: "we'd hate to miss out on your take on DevOps, Containerization, etc... etc..."
Excellent post, but maybe too subtle for those not averse to hype.
"your take on DevOps, Containerization, Continuous Delivery and Agile in the real world"
IMy experience : nice list of IT hypes that are then adopted by utterly clueless people to produce a brand new mess, as they convinced themselves that this was the magical answer to fixing their old mess.
Tuesday 22nd November 2016 11:39 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: "we'd hate to miss out on your take on DevOps, Containerization, etc... etc..."
"IMy experience : nice list of IT hypes that are then adopted by utterly clueless people to produce a brand new mess, as they convinced themselves that this was the magical answer to fixing their old mess."
Agreed. This sort of stuff is usually decreed by low level management desperate to prove to their bosses that they're doing something. Its the usual case of "I must do something, this is something, I'll do it". In days gone by they'd have had to settle for doing pointless team desk moves or putting up progress charts or vacuous "motivational" slogans on the walls, but these days they're spoilt for choice with the number of time wasting but highly visible activities they can make their team undertake.
Wednesday 23rd November 2016 10:59 GMT Lusty
Implementing this stuff is easy and quick. The time consuming bit is getting all the IT staff up to speed so they stop moaning about over-hyped buzzwords and get on with it. It only takes about a week to go from nothing to a fully integrated pipeline on cloud technologies, the rest is just adding iterative value in future release cycles. Once you look past the hype it's actually very good stuff, even the security teams love it once they get it.
Friday 25th November 2016 13:41 GMT teebie
"It only takes about a week to go from nothing to a fully integrated pipeline on cloud technologies"
You do realise that, at the end of a long meeting you weren't invited to, a peon said "can't we just say we have a fully integrated pipeline on cloud technologies, I doubt the boss knows what it means"
Wednesday 23rd November 2016 14:57 GMT Anonymous Coward
An agile structure dramatically promotes the thought leader; this is why the naming committee jump-starts an on-boarding process. The say/do ratio champion gets from here to here. The rapid increase in margins reconceptualize our organizing principles. Industries technically invigorate the clients. We will go the extra mile to jump-start an open market environment in the core. The point is not merely to whiteboard our business-for-business innovation. The point is to synergize far-reaching forward plannings. The pioneers enforce target recalibrations. Resilient plans strategically energize the pioneers. The sizeable, multi-divisional and one-on-one accountability significantly empowers an active differentiation at the individual, team and organizational level. As a result, a balanced internal client deepens the long-term leadership development systems.
....alternately, confuse manglement with buzzwords until they bleed and move everything onto the cloud. Which is silly, and possibly disastrous; but hey! It's good in the short-term..
Thursday 24th November 2016 17:16 GMT Miss Lincolnshire
DevOps is a speshul way of working that means that Developers and their slack, change control avoiding methods get far too close to live environments for their own or other people's good.
It allows Developers the chance to tell Operations staff how to do their jobs and allows Operations staff to claim additional call-out and overtime to fix the problems.
Would you let your dog drive your car? Because that's DevOps that is.
Sunday 27th November 2016 10:49 GMT zebthecat
I have an open mind about this.
Where I work we have a large collection of web applications running on a portal server and deliver new stuff monthly using agile and continuous deployments and it works pretty well. Probably the most productive I have been in twenty years and our business bods are pretty pleased with what we do.
One of our management people is muttering about DevOps (largely because our ops team aren't particularly good) but I have yet to hear anything about how this approach will help us be more productive, it appears to be all about architecture rather than actually churning our working new stuff (which is what the business side are actually interested in).
Does anyone here have any practical answers?
I have read papers that say that data (which, after all, is the heart of most applications) is difficult without actually explaining how this difficulty is overcome.
Sunday 27th November 2016 19:51 GMT Lusty
You're already doing agile and continuous delivery, the ops team are not. They can improve their side of the fence using your techniques. Guessing here, but when the ops team have an issue you're probably not involved - they will likely try to fix performance with more memory in the servers rather than discuss application architectures with you. I bet it also takes them a week to give you a dev environment, then a week for security to sort the firewall, wouldn't it be nice if those delays were sorted?
There's plenty DevOps can do to benefit a company, most of it isn't about developers, despite what developers may think :) the dev team in most companies are already doing their bit quite well, that doesn't mean DevOps can't make things better.
Thursday 16th March 2017 00:29 GMT Anonymous Coward
Agile Infrastructure
I think that the original intentions for the DevOps movement focused on applying the principles of Agile software development to IT infrastructure design. Now that hypervisors allow VMs to be created using API calls it's perfectly possible to script the creation of entire development and functional test environments from scratch in a few hours instead of weeks. Combine this with an hourly or monthly rental model and you have Infrastructure as a Service as code. Now all you need is the scripts to create your environment in a source code repo along with any compiler or installer binaries and enough functional bootstrap configuration data and the entire IT side of your business can sit in a single archive file, allowing non-functional test and production environments to buy into the same disposable model making disaster recovery a simple case of running a script to get to a known baseline then data restores from most recent backups where necessary. Automation, monitoring and constant feedback loops are just common sense on top of that.