Not bad
"Although the researchers only used a maximum of 12 language pairs for a single model, it would be easy to add more, and simple to use, as it operates on the same architecture as the NMT currently being used by Google Translate."
"Obwohl die Forscher nur maximal 12 Sprachpaare für ein einziges Modell benutzten, wäre es einfach, mehr hinzuzufügen und einfach zu verwenden, da sie auf der gleichen Architektur arbeitet wie die NMT, die derzeit von Google Translate verwendet wird."
"Although the researchers used only a maximum of 12 pairs of languages for a single model, it would be easy to add and use more simply because it is based on the same architecture as the NMT currently used by Google Translate."
Pretty good (that is en -> de ->en)