Re: net neutrality
Looks like the down votes were headed just where you thought they'd go, until I interrupted that tread with n up vote!
What you described is very near to Sprints new, or latest version of Unlimited Data. Here is a quote:
" Sprint's so-called Unlimited Freedom plan puts no hard cap on data usage but throttles media streams to a bitrate that would effectively cap the video quality at 480p and music 500 Kbps
Now, what I have, is an older Unlimited Everything Plan, which, Sprint notified me that ALL MY DATA will be at the highest rate, because, 1) customer loyalty, I've been with them over 15 years, and 2) they are honoring the terms of my Grandfathered plan, which equates to the Premium version of the new plans, which requires an extra $20 a month for highest data rates for all streaming.
So, I would say, watch for the others of the big 4 providers to come up with similar plans. Because right now, T-Mobil has an unlimited plan that's NOT really unlimited. Besides throttling, there is a hard cap, which after reached, I think they drop the unsuspecting customer to, 2g. I'm not sure, but I don't think streaming anything at 2g is going to be very enjoyable. But the article I link to explains it better.