Nice advert...... pity Big Data is generally a farce.
Backgrounder We introduced Iguazio in September. Assembled hacks were given a deep dive into the company at its Herzliya, Israel HQ this week. The name refers to the Iguazu falls in South America; it means big water, and we had a technology drenching, some of which I remembered when I came up gasping for air. The starting …
The idea of Big Data is not a farce, but less face it, the term "Big Data" definitely is - its a non-discriptive term thought up by marketing bods to target business execs who want to record a large volume of data, but have no clue what the data is, where it is stored or how it was gathered.
Its like the term "Cloud", being used to describe Virtualisation, Hosted Service, IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, IaaC, Shit-aaS.. its so broad and generic, it means nothing.
... target business execs who want to record a large volume of data, but have no clue what the data is, where it is stored or how it was gathered, OR WHAT THEY WANT TO DO WITH IT!!
In seriousness I have seen both a Teradata platform doing amazing stuff for one of the biggest FMCG manufacturers in the world and I've seen one (well two - it had DR) sat in a data centre for 5 years burning power and support costs without ever running a single workload because the exec that bought it didn't realise he would have to spend another £1m (well £10m tbh - to fix the organisations data architecture) to get it to do anything useful and that wasn't in his budget.
I assume some people immidiate reaction to BigData is thinking Map Reduce or Hadoop flavors, it goes well beyond and growing like crazy
Any modern service today makes heavy use of data and analytics, if its Uber, your Bank, Google which poke around your Gmail or search history, insurance company, or enterprise device data aggregated in Splunk ..
In all those places Arrays, HCI, and even NAS are quite irrelevant tech
Not sure I would consider SPLUNK 'big data'. Yes there's alot of data and yes you can query it but its just for log aggregation (in my limited experience) for SIEM, or appllication monitoring / reporting. You aren't going to take strategic corporate decisions based on the output or put a new product to market.
I guess it may have other uses.