Re: And we thought BREXIT was bad
"I'm sure most commentards here are extremely eager to hear you explain the science behind your proof. I certainly am."
[OT warning, but by request - sorry if it might not fit house rules, but I hope it does]
OK - by request:
When soda gets warm, it goes flat. All of the dissolved CO2 comes out of solution and goes into the air. In a closed system you would observe the relative concentration of CO2 going UP. This would be due to the soda warming, and would NOT be causing the soda to warm.
Similarly, when ocean temperatures rise, due to currents, thermal effects, solar radiation, and whatnot, CO2 levels rise. If CO2 levels are measured in the vicinity of the ocean during a warm period, you will measure HIGHER EQUILIBRIUM LEVELS of CO2. [this is all chemistry 101 stuff]
Next, take a look at the infrared absorption spectrum of CO2. When you notice the absorption lines, they're all significantly low, like -40F [I forget the exact details; they're VERY cold], or at levels WAY above the temperatures found on Earth. In short, if CO2 were a greenhouse gas, you'd see absorption in the normal range of temperatures found on Earth, and NOT the edge conditions. Since the energy being released by earth being trapped by the atmosphere is how the 'greenhouse effect' works, having an increase in a gas that's in very LOW concentration, and that has very LITTLE infrared absorption, is going to have very LITTLE effect on global temperatures.
So what you see here is that CO2 concentrations go up when TEMPERATURE goes up, but the CO2 level increase is NOT CAUSING the temperature increase. If that WERE the case, you'd have "thermal runaway", which is a highly unstable condition. Unstable systems quickly degrade. But the earth is VERY stable. So it's NOT CO2 causing any warming. And it's not human activity that DOES generate the CO2 causing any warming. Or cooling. Or change. Or anything.
Besides, if you run the numbers [including infrared absorption spectrum] you'll see that WATER has as much as 100 times the effect on temperature than does CO2. As evidence, consider how COLD it gets on a clear night, or how warm on an overcast night, and the opposite during the day. Water in the atmosphere plays a HUGE part in temperatures and climate. But you don't see anyone trying to blame humans for THAT, now do you? That's because the earth is LITERALLY flooded! Even the dumbest of the "dumb as a post" would see through THAT...