It only needs a drop of blood
kind of like a bad horror movie....burn it all or it comes back!
Troubled bio-upstart Theranos is facing a lawsuit from the US drug store chain Walgreens as it seeks to recoup the $140m it invested in the firm. Walgreens plowed cash in Theranos and set up blood testing centers in its stores that promised to diagnose a wide variety of ailments using a single drop of blood. After Theranos was …
that Walgreens has repeatedly asked for its money back in private and Hollywood Holmes said no and the lawsuit is a result. Holmes should be in jail by now and probably will be once either everyone gets their money, or it becomes totally clear that they aren't going to get their money and they press charges. The weird chick is playing a very dangerous adult game of chicken here and will eventually lose. The only remaining question is the size of the splatter.
Quite so.
We are disappointed that Walgreens filed this lawsuit. Over the years, Walgreens consistently failed to meet its commitments to Theranos," Theranos said in a statement.
"Through its mishandling of our partnership and now this lawsuit, Walgreens has caused Theranos and its investors significant harm.
Theranos seems to have lost sight of the fact that if someone puts $140million into your company your commitment to them is at that point greater then theirs to you.
Also called "the man who pays the piper calls the tune".
Indeed, churn out vaporware, use competitors real hardware and software in place of the vaporware, albeit with standard sized samples (requiring new samples be acquired from the patient, resulting in a delay in diagnosis and care), it's obviously not the testing company's fault.
It's Walgreens for not flogging over another $140 million.
Or something.
Theranos isn't a "troubled bio-upstart"; Theranos is a scam.
BTW, Wallgreens isn't the first investor to sue: NYT: Theranos Sued by Investor Who Accuses It of Securities Fraud.
See also The Verge: Walgreens is suing Theranos for $140 million (several links to related stories).