Oh NO!
Open late? Polling stations? that means the illegals can get there in time to vote!!
Polling stations in the swing US state of North Carolina will stay open late after mystery glitches stopped electronic voting systems from working. The board of elections in the political battleground voted within the past hour or so to allow eight precincts in Durham and Columbus counties to stay open past the previously …
I have heard tell of this mysterious and rarely explained "loophole" in the Law. Many swear that they have seen it, yet they cannot describe what they saw to others in a way that's comprehensible. I am skeptical, and lean towards the idea that it's just the usual elitist favoritism we have come to expect from our would-be masters. Hillary simply IS above the Law, so these petty government regulations just don't apply to HER.
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When it comes to voting nothing beyond the understanding of a lobotomized tape worm should be accepted. Print the ballots on paper, have voters clearly mark them in pencil and have volunteers representing ALL parties monitor the process and count the ballots, manually.
Any system of voting that requires electricity for anything beyond the overhead lights (and even this should be optional) needs to be cut into little pieces and sent to the scrap yard. Anyone responsible for implementing such systems needs to be fired...out of a cannon...into the sun.
an obnoxious, bullying ham robot with one too many authoritarian programs installed
Careful, your editorial bias might be showing there... :)
I find it interesting that Donald has consistently maintained that the election is rigged. Should he win, does that mean that the Democrats can legitimately call the result into question, and if so, what could he say?
"I find it interesting that Donald has consistently maintained that the election is rigged. Should he win, does that mean that the Democrats can legitimately call the result into question, and if so, what could he say?"
It all sounds frighteningly familier. The Brexiteers never really thought they would win so had no plans for what to do if they did. Trump claims it's all rigged against an "outsider", so how does he justify that now? Surely, as you say, if it's rigged, and he won, then by definition, it's a fraudulent and therefore invalid election.
> "Should he win, does that mean that the Democrats can legitimately call the result into question..."
Um, no. If Rocky (before the big fight) suggests the Mob has gotten to the judges, and yet he heroically wins anyway by a knockout, can the Mob then claim Rocky rigged the fight?
"Someone rigged it, he said so! And he won! So he did it!"
See what I mean? Ludicrous.
I know it's late and no one cares, but as a local I wanted to set the record straighter:
- the story is just wrong, at least this area always uses bubble-in paper ballots - the BoE administration is as luddite as you (we) lot. I gather two precincts lost internet connections early in the day (AT&T/TWC area), and those precincts had to revert to paper voter rolls. Presumably it took some extra time to reconcile voters between paper and electronic rolls over the phone or whatever.
- Durham is the largest individual Democratic stronghold in NC, by far - about 75% Democratic to 20% Republican over 90,000 votes, which is not out of line from previous elections. (There are more heavily Democratic places in NC, but with fewer voters.)
- As a result of the reversion to paper rolls, the Durham precincts stayed open 90 minutes after the rest of the state. I don't quite understand this, since we've been voting in the normal timeframe with paper rolls until this year, but I guess the verification delay with territories where the computers worked...?
- By coincidence, the Republican governor was somewhat in the lead until the Durham results came in very late, with almost exactly 90000 votes, and 5000 extra flipping the tally to his Democratic opponent. (Out of 4.5 million votes cast...) Now they are counting provisionals and absentee, and recounting Durham, as it stands it's a complete unknown who will be governor in February.
To be fair I think it was just a random snafu and handled as well as reasonable, but I can see why some people think it was a setup: of all the hundreds of precincts in NC, only the Democratic ones stayed open an extra 1.5 hours, they were open until all the other precincts reported, and then they produced almost exactly enough votes to flip the gubernatorial election.
Also, IT angle, n+1 redundancy - hopefully they'll have 3G modems next year...