Anybody care to wildly speculate?
Yes. This is the normal government policy of BS2DS (Being seen to do something). The key issue here is that when things go shit shaped in some major and (apparently) unforseen manner, the government of the day and the snivel service can say "Oh, not our fault, look how much we spent on cyber security".
That nearly two billion quid will be pissed up the wall for no gain whatsoever is immaterial - the architects of this policy live only in the Westminster bubble. Curiously, I'm enjoying reading Mein Kampf at the moment, and mindful of the fact that it was written by one of history's most prized villains, it is interesting to note the manner in which the author very succinctly identified the flaws of representative democracy. As Winston noted (quoting anon), democracy is indeed the worst form of government, save for all the others that have been tried.
I'll go with democracy for the time being (Yahaha! Boooooo! Sad Remainderers! Looosers! Loooooosers! See note 1) but even so it lacks some modest element of retribution when the wrong things are done through incompetence of base expediency. Nothing too extreme, but if revocation of "commercial" honours is acceptable, what about the same for the civil servants and MPs? And what about fining them modest percentages of their gold plated pensions for fuck ups as well?
Note 1: Sorry, I couldn't help myself.