back to article It's ALIVE: Juno back online after reboot

NASA's Juno space probe has successfully rebooted after a recent Jupiter fly-by was disrupted by an unexpected “safe-mode” event. The data-gathering on the October 19 flyby didn't happen, because a software performance monitor rebooted its computer just beforehand. The probe then entered safe mode while NASA worked through its …

  1. Ralph B

    Safe Mode?

    How do they reach the F8 key from that distance?

    1. lawndart

      Re: Safe Mode?

      It's easy, they have a wireless keyboard.

      1. jonathan1

        Re: Safe Mode?

        Thanks, both gave me a laugh.

        Just pictured an operator in NASA desperately spamming the F8 key...darn I missed it. Have to wait another 43.2 minutes* to try again.

        *I borrowed that from Google. Not sure of accuracy.

    2. Rich 11 Silver badge

      Re: Safe Mode?

      The R2 unit punches the F8 key for them. Duh.

  2. Clive Galway

    Figures sound wrong

    3.6 kg of fuel to change velocity by 5.8 mph? That sounds horrifically inefficient!

    1. JaffaMan

      Re: Figures sound wrong

      Agreed. Has someone got some units wrong somewhere?

    2. A K Stiles

      Re: Figures sound wrong

      Is it fuel, or is it thrust mass? i.e. cold gas thrusters rather than combustion fuel rockets - chuck 3.6 kg of stuff in *that* direction, change velocity in *this* direction?

      1. This post has been deleted by its author

        1. DNTP

          Re: Figures sound wrong

          According to your calculations, Symon, the thrusters used for this maneuver have a specific impulse of 147 seconds. Before analyzing that, let's compare it to my homework.

          Mass of Juno postburn: 1700.0kg

          Mass of expended fuel: 3.6kg

          deltaV: 2.59 m/s

          The ideal rocket equation:

          2.59m/s = (Isp)(9.8m/s^2)(ln(1703.6/1700)) gives an Isp of 125 seconds, differing from your estimate because I estimate Juno is 300kg closer to empty than you do. Still, our numbers match fairly closely.

          What does this mean? Juno's RCS thrusters use hydrazine monopropellant, which has a theoretical maximum Isp of ~230 seconds. So this burn was in fact fairly inefficient in a thermal sense. Since hydrazine decomposition is exothermic, this inefficiency may be attributed largely to the small size of the engine, and the desire to run 'cold' as to avoid damage to the motors and payload. The engineers who figured this stuff out when planning the mission probably realized the savings on engine mass, thermal shielding, and radiators, would outweigh the fuel mass efficiency of larger, hotter RCS engines of the same reliability.

  3. Antron Argaiv Silver badge

    So they...

    ...tried turning it off and on again?

  4. kryptonaut

    It's full of stars

    It was rebooted when it got too near to the monolith.

  5. Florida1920

    Bingeing on Netflix

    Juno was busy, watching Season 2 of The Flash.

  6. Securitymoose

    Presumably another of those Microsoft security updates

    "Please do not survey any remote planets while the update is in progress"

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