back to article Chap turns busted laptop into phone keyboard, in Himalayan book-rescue mission

We all know that sinking feeling when you realise your laptop screen is broken and you need to use it sooner than you can get it fixed. So has Thomas Buckley-Houston, who's written a MacGyver-esque how-to for getting to his phone from the laptop's keyboard (going the other way via VNC is easier) – when he couldn't see the …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    For me, the interesting part is using hidclient and BlueZ. Tablet(s) and a Bluetooth equipped Intel Galileo, among other uses.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Not quite as hardcore but...

    ... I do recall back in the 90's being asked to install Windows 95 Japanese (*) on a laptop. It took me several goes to get it right (I think I had to install regular 95 first then install the Japanese version on top) so I had to ask the user to draw out all the kanji characters for the install wizard questions/answers.

    (*) not just a "language pack add on" kind of thing, but a complete "everything is translated" version where the only English text was for trademarks/names/etc.

    1. Chris King

      Re: Not quite as hardcore but...

      I had to install Win95 Chinese Traditional on a laptop for somebody. Poor man thought I spoke Chinese, but the installation sequence is the same and I was just following the pictures to judge where I was in the sequence.

    2. Lee D Silver badge

      Re: Not quite as hardcore but...

      I once tried to fix a Spanish au pair's laptop. Most stuff in Windows you can guess the equivalent of, but we were uninstalling and reinstalling an AV and trying to clean up the computer generally.

      At one point, we resorted to Google Translate which did enough of a job to get things done.

      Until we hit one dialog on the AV installation.

      It translated as "Send a second piano". I wasn't sure that was going to help at all, to be honest, so I didn't dare press it.

      (It was obviously a button to "try again", but it was quite hilarious at the time)

      Other joys include trying to use monitors that have had their display settings flipped sideways, Chinese keyboards (a work of art even if you speak Chinese, apparently), and one machine that would only give the top-right 640x480 pixels of the screen even though it was drawing to a full HD framebuffer.

      Fortunately, I work in schools, so the keyboard shortcuts to activate the old "control-button menu" on the top-left of every window, and then slide the windows back into view and resize them using the keyboard are in my long-term memory.

      1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

        Re: Not quite as hardcore but...

        "It translated as "Send a second piano". I wasn't sure that was going to help at all, to be honest, so I didn't dare press it."

        That sounds like someone finally got around to sending the three and fourpence so they could go to the dance, but when they got there the piano was broken.

      2. Lamont Cranston

        Re: Not quite as hardcore but...

        In my absence, my then girlfriend once sent her housemate round to fix her friend's computer. Said friend is blind, and so didn't own a monitor. If you're not used to it, text-to-speech software (and no screen) is a little disconcerting!

  3. Luiz Abdala

    Have a beer, ol'chap!

    Or whatever you drink down there, on me.

    Hell, I will even join you if it's tea!

  4. Steve Graham

    Why didn't he start the laptop in console mode? He'd still have been working blind, but would miss out the step of opening a terminal window.

    (I'd have installed telnetd to being with. You could then log in from the phone using existing username/password and wouldn't have to set up SSH blind. Sure, there's a window of vulnerability until you get the secure connection going, but maybe the risk is low up a Himalaya?)

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Voice Recognition Anyone?

    Surely this is so much easier to use the voice recognition for just entering text. The guy clearly isn't lazy but this is just too much Heath Robinson.

    1. HieronymusBloggs

      Re: Voice Recognition Anyone?

      "Surely this is so much easier to use the voice recognition for just entering text."

      As he's writing book chapters, maybe he wanted the text to actually be correct.

  6. Simon Harris

    Linux laptop/Phone emergency lash-up in the Himalayas

    Have we reached peak geek?

    Mine's the one with the crampons in the pocket.

  7. mjflory

    Illuminating a dark screen

    Thomas Buckley-Houston's blog post is a very helpful guide to using a display-challenged laptop. I've found my way around a couple of MacBook Airs with dead backlighting by shining a 1000 lumen LED flashlight (or "torch," if you like; "Rayz" brand) at the screen at an oblique angle. It's hard to find the cursor, but sometimes shining the light through the translucent Apple logo on the back helps with that. It doesn't sound like the backlight was the problem with his Dell XPS 15, though.

  8. Pseudonymous Clown Art

    Installing SSH on Linux

    Is a must if you use the NVIDIA proprietary driver. A kernel update can screw it up.

    Fuck the Himalayas, most Linux/NVIDIA users have already been here before.

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