Is this going to be like last time they announced something with Cisco, and Cisco knew nothing about it?
Pushy Pure, cheerful Cisco fortify FlashStack
Pushy Pure Storage is expanding its FlashStack collaboration with Cisco. FlashStack is a converged system reference design, FlexPod style, involving Pure flash arrays and Cisco server and networking gear. For example, the FlashStack Mini bundles the FlashArray//m10 with the Cisco UCS Mini compute and fabric interconnect …
Monday 17th October 2016 20:53 GMT Anonymous Coward
Pure/Cisco Flashstack is official
You probably confused Pure Storage with Nutanix. It was Nutanix, not Pure Storage, that announced "validated design on UCS" without Cisco Support:
Pure Storage & Cisco UCS flashstack, on the other hands, is official: