back to article Bureau of Statistics hides trade data about monitors. Yes, monitors!

The Australian Bureau of Statistics' Confidential Commodities List has gain turned up something odd, this time in the form of restrictions on reporting of trade in “Colour video monitors (excl. cathode-ray tube monitors), whether or not incorporating radio-broadcast receivers”. As we've reported previously, the Confidential …

  1. Youngone

    I Know!

    My site engineer has requested a three monitor setup for his CAD work. That's definitely what it is...

    Hang on, I'm not in Oz, maybe it's not me after all.

    1. Simon Sharwood, Reg APAC Editor (Written by Reg staff)

      Re: I Know!

      The NSA wants to know when you have three monitors. So the ABS has to hide the fact they want to know. Or something. Look - Someone rigged my election. Those people. YOU KNOW WHO. Lock them up. And also lock up people with three monitors.

  2. GrumpyKiwi

    New CCTV system or the like for one of the more nanny-ish city's? (Melbourne I am thinking of you).

    Would also explain the automatic data processing machines a.k.a. the multiplexers to combine all the imagery and the associated facial recognition system (for teh chilrunz/anti-terrorists1!1!!!1).

  3. Likkie

    It's a what?!

    “Automatic data processing machines, weighing 10 kg or more and presented in the form of systems, (excl. personal computers and machines comprising in the same housing at least a central processing unit and input and output unit)”

    So, it's not a computer or anything like a computer but it's an automatic data processor and it weights more than 10kg. WTF?

    1. Paul J Turner

      Re: It's a what?!

      I guess someone is importing bits for a big pokies (slot machine) order or upgrades.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: It's a what?!

      A flock of NSW galahs?

    3. jake Silver badge

      Re: It's a what?!

      Automotive traffic monitoring and signaling kit? Most such systems make heavy use of relays ...

    4. cosmogoblin

      Re: It's a what?!

      Sounds like an AI to me!

      Makes sense to restrict an experimental sentient machine's access to I/O. I'd leave it running for a while, then freeze-dry its memory and inspect in a virtual machine. In a Faraday cage. In a bunker 10 miles down.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    A flock of NSW galahs?

  5. Adam 1

    > We'll never know because applicants request restrictions on trade data through a confidential process: the Bureau of Statistics won't ever divulge who requested data be fuzzed, or why.

    Unless they accidentally publish it in a senate inquiry submission outlining why various bungles were everyone else's fault and that they can be trusted on privacy.

    1. Simon Sharwood, Reg APAC Editor (Written by Reg staff)

      Good point

  6. rsole

    It would seem to me that using the word monitor is the root cause, someone must think it is used for monitoring. I suggest they return to calling them VDU's.

    1. Anonymous Coward

      You're right... it juts reflects the declining standard of teaching Oz-speak in schools. Now its trickled through to clerical appointees in the government service!

    2. cosmogoblin

      Monitor lizard

      Once I had a cardboard monitor lizard from an 80s computer magazine sellotaped to the top of my monitor.

      My brother went a different route - he had a minotaur.

      1. deadlockvictim

        Re: Monitor lizard

        I'm in two minds as to whether I want three Minotaurs on my desktop.

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