Re: This just in....Data limits for DSL and cable modem users
Someone from BT here in the UK will be sure to be telling us about their 'wonderful, massive, over generous, technically challenging' 10Mbps USO (only a 'requestable' Universal Service Obligation) in terms of this US 1TB Cap by Comcast.
A USO you can politely request (but no guarantee of getting) from BT in the UK which will probably see BT through till 2030 and see BT's browbeaten rural subscribers suffer indefinitely till then at least, when the last one still requesting/waiting will likely get enabled the day before that deadline (as install dates get moved further and further back. In the process, protecting their copper carcass, just on that promise)
Sounds a lot a 1TB Cap, BT would tell you with a 10Mbps BT USO you could download 1TB 'cap' over 10 days (if you're lucky), fully utilising a 10Mbps connection, working flat out 24/7.
If you get say 4Mbps-8Mbps on a good day, are you really going to go to all that trouble of requesting 10Mbps, to be told its £15,000 to get to 10Mbps. BT know this, thats why they aren't objecting to the {pointless} 'requestable' 10Mbps USO.
Hope the Government realise how long unpatched Windows machines will sit connected to the internet downloading Microsoft/Apple Updates, with their drive towards Gov eServices.
Generous 'requestable' crumbs at best, make do you Rural Plebs!