"We the Supreme court of the United States of America find in favor of Apple inc and Samsung guilty of patent infringement"
Sent from my iPhone.
In yet another reversal in the Apple-Samsung patent war, Samsung was told on Friday it actually did have to pay Apple $120m for infringing three patents. The surprise decision [PDF] from the full Federal Appeals Court in Washington, DC, comes eight months after it was told by a smaller three-person appeals panel that it did …
Why don't they fix the USPTO and stop feeding the lawyers.
Not going to happen, as that would mean a large number of people would have to figure out how to actually work for a living, even lawyers. Can't see that happen, sorry, these kind of systems feed on themselves, you mess with that at your peril.
Then we make it very simple. If another court, in another jurisdiction, says there is no valid patent here, the lawyers and judges concerned have joint and several personal liability for refunding the fine.
Damages owed because of patents on rounded corners by a company that copied it's name from a fruit? What next, USPTO says if it rains we have to pay the weather forecaster?
Err, not quite. Apple Records sued Apple Computer and they reached an out of court settlement that Apple Computer could use the Apple name but only in fields NOT relating in any way to music. Then Apple brought out the iPod and ITMS, so it was all set to go to court again but then Apple (Computer) paid Apple (Records) handsomely for the Apple name. And changed their name from Apple Computer to Apple Inc. So, no dispute that the name originally came from Apple Records, but Apple paid fair and square for all rights to use the name.
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Apple v. Samsung drones on. This scarecrow of a suit has, over the course of time, become so complicated, that no man alive knows what it means. The parties to it understand it least; but it has been observed that no two Patent lawyers can talk about it for five minutes, without coming to a total disagreement as to all the premises…. ...Scores of persons have deliriously found themselves made parties in Apple v. Samsung, without knowing how or why; whole user groups have inherited legendary hatreds with the suit. The little plaintiff or defendant, who was promised a new iMac Blueberry G3 , has grown up, possessed himself of a Galaxy 7, and trotted away into the other world.
By the time these suits finally reach their conclusion the following will have happened:
1) smartphones will be in museums, people will have brain implants instead
2) Apple will be known primarily as a car company
3) people will argue over whether Apple cars are better than Samsung branded Google cars
4) Donald Trump III will preside over the ribbon cutting at the Trump hotel in Musk City, Mars
5) flying cars and fusion power will still be 20-30 years away
"3) people will argue over whether Apple cars are better than Samsung branded Google cars"
Well, I hope for everyone's sake that Samsung doesn't use the same consumer safety review process for their cars that they have been using for their phones as well as their washing machines!
"It's okay, you just have to drive it under a certain speed, and make sure that the interior lights are turned off at all times, in order to lessen the chances of the car spontaneously exploding". ;-)
Apparently the CAFC is beginning to have a change of heart and is apparently sliding towards the opinion that software should not be patented. If this is true then the only issues a company can use to defend software are trademark and copyrights in the future. From Techdirt:
My monitor has rounded corners so has my couch, my television, my dining table, my clock on the mantle piece, my chip fryer, cooker, worktops in the kitchen and a sh*t load of other stuff too long to list!
As if a rounded corner was something new, I don't get it but the lawyers do in the folding kind! Just feel someone should be saying "Now children play nice" FFS.
""rotate to open", that's free and clear right?"
Yes, but they didn't do that did they? Copied the green horizonal battery too, not? And about 117 other things in order to make their phone as close to an iPhone as they could. The "rounded corners" mysteriously had the same radius as the iPhone - wow - what a coincidence, 1/infinity probability.
As far as I can determine, slide to unlock was a cool idea and implementation was made possible by the screen multi-touch implementation. It had a "wow" factor about it. There are an infinite number of alternative ways of doing the same thing. Samsung chose none of them. Geddit?
For the anti-Apple pro-Samsung brigade, math is not on your side.
With those kind of losses to Apple, plus the loss of sales by T-Mobile and AT&T pulling the made-of-explodium Note 7, Samsung may soon be finding the milk of US sales becoming unpalatably sour.
If Samsung - a major source of Korea's trade income - can make more in China than the US, Korea could viably look at chucking the towel in on their ties to the US, like the Philippines has just done, and ink up a new trade deal with China. In that event there would be nothing stopping China from deposing the increasingly-irritant Kim regime and helping Korea re-unify under the manufacturing prosperity of the RoK in a new Sino-Korean alliance. And with the Philippines kicking the US troops off its turf, they also could well be on the brink of working out a deal with China themselves.
With the Philippines and Korea onside, with Japan in a cultural and economic freefall due to its exploding epidemic of herbivore men and collapsing population, and the US about to plunge into Civil War 2.0 following the coming election, China would be able to push its Nine-Dash Line halfway across the Pacific without much opposition.
It's certainly starting to look more and more like the American Empire's days are numbered. I'm not sure whether to be gratified or terrified at the possibility...