Re: Similar Scam in Hong Kong
@ JohnMartin
"Looks like fear of government reprisal is cross cultural even into the "land of the brave and the home of the free"..."
I don't believe that the scammers success was due as much to a fear of government, as it was due to human stupidity. This "scam" hasn't been given much, if any, notice in the mainstream media here in the US.
Hong Kong has a mostly Chinese population. The callers were presumably Chinese. The similarity would make the chance of success much greater in my opinion.
Most Americans, hearing a "foreign" voice on the phone, telling them to part with their money, especially to the IRS, would respond with a stream of invective that would make a sailor blush, before hanging up.
Stupid people live in every country, and the US certainly has no shortage of them. Scams of every sort find fertile soil here.
Sadly, xenophobia also grows here as well as anywhere on the planet, and "No raghead motherfucker* better say shit to me!" is a frequently heard phrase. Too frequently heard.
*The de facto epithet used to describe the people living in an arc that stretches from Morocco to Indonesia. An common alternative is "Sand Nigger".
Doubly sad is both the inability and the unwillingness to differentiate between peoples of completely different lands, ie, Indians, Persians, Turks, Arabs, Somalis.