back to article Woo hoo, has unveiled yet another tech creche – for infosec

Plans are afoot in Westminster to burn even more taxpayers' cash by launching a new cyber-security startup accelerator in Cheltenham. The accelerator will be the umpteenth vehicle for funnelling money to muppets since the coalition government came to power. Other accelerators have included a military technology free-money …

  1. K
    Big Brother

    Just so...

    GCHQ can guide mislead them!

    Hand me the tin foil hat..

    1. Rich 11 Silver badge

      Re: Just so...

      GCHQ can get to learn about the security solutions start-ups are developing, so that they have plenty of time to find a way around them.

  2. Steve Davies 3 Silver badge
    Big Brother

    coalition government?

    Did the General Election of 2015 not happen then?

    Perhaps it didn't and the BREXIT vote was all a dream... and my name is Bobby Ewing

    1. smudge

      Re: coalition government?

      ...since the coalition government came to power.

      It's also been 50 years since England won the World Cup. But that doesn't mean that they are the current holders.

      950 years since the Normans took over England. But that doesn't mean that they are still in power.


      1. Halfmad

        Re: coalition government?

        whilst we're on it..

        Bloody Romans eh? What did they ever do for us?

      2. Steve Davies 3 Silver badge

        Re: coalition government?

        You obviously fail to get the joke about Bobby Ewing and the dream. You must not be old enough to remember 'Dallas' from the 1980's and 'Who shot JR?'.

        1. allthecoolshortnamesweretaken

          Re: coalition government?

          Mix to Pither's sleeping face, waking up, shaking himself in disbelief at finding himself in a beautiful garden, with the sun shining, the birds singing. He is in a deckchair, and his mother, having poured him a jug of iced fruit juice, is gently nudging Pither to wake him.

          Mother Come on, dear. Wake up dear.

          Pither Mother!

          Mother Come on dear.

          Pither So, it was all a dream.

          Mother No dear, this is the dream, you're still in the cell.

          Mix to Pither waking up in the cell. The officer enters carrying a rifle.

          Come to think of it, the whole Bexit thing is a bit like having your bicycle pump get caught in your trousers, isn't it?

          1. david bates

            Re: coalition government?

            Somehow Buffy alternating between being an insane girl locked in an asylum and being the Slayer with no way for her (or us) to tell which is reality sounds more appropriate...

        2. Kay Burley ate my hamster

          Re: coalition government?

          'You obviously fail to get the joke about Bobby Ewing and the dream. You must not be old enough to remember 'Dallas' from the 1980's and 'Who shot JR?'.'

          Some of us had better things to do...

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: coalition government?

      and my name is Bobby Ewing

      Is that why they are hanging the almighty dollar in the picture heading?

  3. Wiltshire

    I keep getting these spam emails, one is inviting me to apply for a graduate job in Cheltenham, the other is inviting me to apply for a graduate job in Chippenham. I wish they'd make they mind up. I only graduated 45 years ago, is that close enough?

  4. David Tallboys

    As a resident of Cheltenham I am trying to recruit infosec and cyber security guys. They are good in pub quiz teams, but no beards please.

    1. Rich 11 Silver badge

      I am a Cheltenham resident who was good in a pub quiz team 20 years ago, but I now have a beard. It was purely coincidence that I grew it in the first few months after I left the team.

      1. David Tallboys

        I'll buy you a razor.

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