Yeah but
It's still just a skinned version of Chrome, it's still not as good as Opera 12 so meh
Opera went live today with a VPN embedded into its desktop browser. Described as “free, no-log and easy to use,” the VPN uses 256-bit AES encryption to connect to one of Opera’s five data centres. With this move, Opera gives a fillip to those who need or want their online privacy. It is also a warning shot across the bows of …
Opera of old had Opera Turbo, which was basically a VPN but also shrunk images etc. for mobile use.
Opera of old had mail built-in, which they scrapped
Opera of old had a multitude of configuration options that are missing.
Even Vivaldi can't do anything but Chrome-clone and it's annoying me no end after all their promises.
Chrome-clones are ten-a-penny. Where's the value-add?
It's WAY better than Opera 12. Opera 12 barely works anymore, it's so antiquated. Basically the modern web is coded or Webkit/Blink. That is the end of it. If you want to be a hipster, crusader that wants to hang on to past glories like being able to edit skin INI files for your browser, and putting toolbars in places that make no sense, carry on...
Being able to use Opera Android browser, with adblocking, without needing to root, is a godsend.
It may make people a bit more aware of VPNs. Performance may be an issue - can they build a sufficiently robust network to handle the traffic volume, if no-one gives them any money? Paid-for services aren't that expensive (or don't need to be) - I think I paid about £30 for a 'lifetime' subscription to PureVPN, which seems to be pretty nippy. And some people have specialist needs with a VPN, which will cost money. I need to be able to test sites and google results as they appear from a variety of countries so I need a VPN with good global coverage, which again costs money. I'm also not keen on GCHQ finding out about my interest in wallabies and custard. People wanting to avoid geo-blocking should also be willing to pay (although why the BBC don't just offer licences around the world I really don't know). And presumably terrrrists and kiddy-fiddlers have different specialist requirements, which they will also be happy to pay for.
I don't think that applies to all BBC content. For example Dr Who credits say "BBC Cymru" (or is it a separate company?). A more relevant reason could be that BBC licenses the programs it owns to foreign broadcasters and video-on-demand providers, who don't want BBC competing with them directly on their home turf.
Yes, there are exceptions, such as the content they own themselves. However in the case of something like Dr Who, they will licence this to TV companies in other countries for a large amount. Part of that deal will state that they cannot sell that content to anyone else in that region, including streams. It's much easier for them to outsource distribution globally. And Match of the Day - I'm sure the license to show that footage is very strictly UK only, meaning they can't just offer it up to other countries on an international version of iPlayer.
I can't see this changing any time soon; not until the use of VPN becomes so widely used that the buyers of the content cannot make enough revenue on showing ads on the content if most people will just stream it from source.
I don't think that applies to all BBC content. For example Dr Who credits say "BBC Cymru"
Sadly most BBC shows these days are not produced like that, starting in the 90s the BBC increasingly outsourced production and show development to 3rd parties (particularly Saint Bob's Hat Trick), who then subsequently owned the format.
I think for some shows, they do buy the global rights, but then use BBC Worldwide to flog them as effectively as they can. I'm pretty sure GBBO is distributed by BBCW internationally.
Just a heads up, I checked out PureVPN in the past but ended up at nVPN (nvpn.net). I find them to be more flexible for experienced computer users. They offer dedicated IPs, port forwarding, and HTTP and SOCKS5 proxies. For all that, I found $60/year to be a reasonable price compared to the other options at hand.
Those shopping for a VPN might find this useful...https://thatoneprivacysite.net/
I picked up Opera around version 19 or 20 (I think) because I wanted to try something else but I don't trust Google enough to start using Chrome, it's also a matter of principle (a bit). The first start was an instant hit: it could easily import favorites from both Internet Explorer (which I used sporadically) and SeaMonkey (which is still my 2nd browser). Both without any problems.
A lot of stuff got added over time and I think it's impressive. Take the internal Ad blocker: I tested this against AdBlock pro and it's doing an excellent job! I have several friends who now fully rely on Opera to keep things out. And I noticed something: they're much more open to the idea that Opera might allow a few ads to slip through than an AdBlocker plugin. Simple reasoning really: "They gave us a free browser, so why shouldn't they try to make some money out of that?".
Not sure I fully agree with that idea (Opera also pushes some of their favorites forward I'm sure) but I do agree that they're really trying to work with their users instead of against them. For example: ever since I started using it (1 - 2 years ago) I've always had (roughly) the same interface. Eventually 1 extra icon appeared in the programs title bar (tab menu) but that's hardly intrusive. I still remember Firefox with its always changing interface (which is also why I stopped using it).
This VPN feature is just the next step in my opinion. I probably won't be using it myself, but I still think it's an awesome feature. Especially for those who might be in need for free speech options (protection).
>Naah, they would never sell user data. Browsing habits, on the other hand...
Browsing habits is user data, data about users. Users' data', data belonging to users, is jpg of holiday, txt of a to-do list from ten years ago, odf when they toyed with writing a letter, dat of a savegame from a title than hasn't been played since XP, wav when they tested the mic inputs on a then-new soundcard... and possibly even some useful stuff somewhere amongst the zoo of files they have kicking around. :)
I downloaded it and was going to try it as I hadn't used opera in like 10 years or so. It said it imported my bookmarks, but they were nowhere to be found. I even tried exporting as HTML and then importing them that way. Still no joy. Sent them a note that bookmarks were borked and marked it as one star.
Never got to try the VPN out. BTW, I use Chrome on my laptop for only one thing. Watching BBC and 4 using the Hola VPN plugin. It only runs while we are watching shows, so the VPN only runs during that hour or two a night. (Laptop docking station connected to TV via displayport to hdmi cable.)
From the moment I installed it and enabled VPN, all I've seen in the status pane is an amber bang and "VPN is temporarily unavailable. Opera is resolving the problem." I cant set a location, and while I've never connected, I've somehow managed to send 11.5 KB of data? I guess they are all TCP SYN packets. #FAIL
Opera were bought out by a Chinese consortium a few months ago.
Now they're redirecting people's "secure" traffic through their own data centres (in unencrypted form for Opera).
And people are thinking this is for a VPN for their safety? o_O
Just ... wow.
Calling something a "VPN" doesn't make it so.
Out of my toolbar bookmarks only this site (without images), BBC News (in mobile version) and my own webservers from my Pi render, every other site is "This site can’t be reached" or "This site can’t provide a secure connection" whilst browsing with the VPN on and set to optimal location.
C- needs more effort
To those speculating about why the BBC does not offer its programming outsite the UK ... it's got nothing to do with geographical licensing, production companies etc etc etc.
The BBC operates under a Royal Charter. According to the terms of that Charter the BBC is not allowed to offer licence payer funded services outside of the UK (World Service radio aside, which used to be funded by the Foriegn Office, but funding was offloaded onto the BBC during the last Charter renewal process).
The BBC can sell its programming at commercial rates to other broadcasters. This is how BBC Worldwide/America etc operate.
BBC TV and radio are not just another subscription service. They are provided "free to air", in fact the BBC is not allowed to use things like encryption to obfuscate its free to air services.
Want to change this situation? Look out for the public consultation during the next Charter renewal, but only if you're British (it is after all the British Broadcasting Corporation), and don't put any hopes on the Beeb justing ending up like some kind of Netflix.