Fuck BT
I have had nothing but shit service from BT, I wanted Infinty looked on the useless BT checker and it said I could, so I ordered it. Turns out that I couldnt have it and the monumental fuck up that is BT began. First they cut off my line and when it was reconnected I lost my phone number, no biggie, not that bothered about. Then something that I was very bothered about, my old line could do 15-16 Meg a sec, quite respectable. The new one does 6-8 meg a second, so in one fell swoop I lose my number and have my broadband speed halved. Thanks.
Complained to Ofcom, they said they dont deal with this. How fucking useless is Ofcom, they aint fit for fuck all. Made many many complaints to BT and was told they cant do anything for nothing, which I pointed out to the person on the end of the phone that they did do something for nothing and that was disconnect me for 2 weeks, lose my orignal phone number and halved my broadband speed all down the incorrect info on the BT website.
I originally left BT for a lot less than this shit, but this is definitely the last time. I need my fucking head examining.
So after all that heres my 2p worth, I wouldnt trust either BT, Openreach or Ofcom to keep to their pointless policies and let someone who doesnt think of money to do it.
Why not create a not for profit foundation and lay the fibre opitic lines and then lease them out to whoever. Pie in the sky? Yes. will it ever happen? Not sure, just going to look out of the window to see if there are any flying piggies going by.