back to article Asteroid 'FreddieMercury'

Queen guitarist Brian May has announced that the International Astronomical Union has re-named an asteroid “FreddieMercury”, to mark what would have been the singer's 70th birthday. Previously known as Asteroid 17473, aka 1991 FM3 has a diameter of 3.435km ± 0.374 km, orbits the Sun every three years and eight months and does …

  1. Oengus

    Happy Birthday Freddy

    When I heard this announcement this morning I immediately heard "Don't stop me now" and it has been playing in my head all day so it came as no surprise )and was actually expected) when it started playing to accompany the shot of the asteriod moving through space.

    What a wonderful honour to a great performer (he was so much more than a singer or songwriter).

  2. MyffyW Silver badge

    Richly deserved. Mind you, it's been no bed of roses....

    1. Ugotta B. Kiddingme

      no pleasure cruise either.

  3. Chewie85

    The first thing that came to mind after reading..

    ".orbits the Sun every three years and eight months and does so just one degree out of the ecliptic plane."

    I bet the asteroid..... wants to break freeeeeeeeee!

    (and then we will have a satellite out of control....)

    I will get my space suit.

    1. This post has been deleted by its author

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: The first thing that came to mind after reading..

      By any chance is its temperature 200 degrees?

  4. MJI Silver badge
    Thumb Up

    Why does he need an asteroid when

    he already has a whole planet?

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