Surely The Sun are sticking their oar in? Previously, if memory serves, they've pushed for David Beckham and Robbie Williams
Actor Daniel Craig has reportedly been offered a cool $150m to play James Bond for another two films, such is the uncertainty surrounding the suitability of his potential replacements. Craig famously said he’d rather "slash his wrists" than again portray the suavest agent on acetate, but the financial lure and a promise to …
"Try an Aero L39 (Czechoslovakian jet trainer that can be bought comparatively cheaply once the old eastern block fell apart)."
Which is precisely what Bond did in "Tomorrow Never Dies", absconding with said L39 Albatros from a black market arms fair in the opening sequence, without (as usual) even having read the manual.
"Sounds like El Reg is getting behind and going full-thrust for Larry Ellison"
I think Larry's more in line for the next Bond villain role. I see the US Government still won't let him import that Mig-29 he bought. They know an attempt to build a private military (complete with air force) in a secret underground lair when they see one...
I'll do it. Anything to stop Craig ruining another couple of films with that constipated monkey face he does when he's trying to look concerned. Or cool. Or worried. Not a penny under £100k per film and I want a big caravan on set. One of those shiny aerostream jobbies.
I don't have any experience of acting, but then that's never exactly been important has it.
When do I start?
" Anything to stop Craig ruining another couple of films with that constipated monkey face he does when he's trying to look concerned. Or cool. Or worried."
I think Craig has been one of the better bonds behind Dalton (very underrated) and Connery. He was certainly a huge step up from Brosnan who was just the milk tray man with better gear.
once again, the "secret" to playing Bond as a character, rather than a cipher, is to capture the suave debonair playboy, but also never let people forget this man is a ruthless killer who *would* (not could) snap your neck without breaking stride - a air of menace.
As history shows, very few actors have been up to the task. In a way, it's a shame that the first Bond* was such a perfect example in Sean Connery. The Scots burr made him seem refined, and the actor himself was a bit of a bruiser.
To be honest, Craig is one of the best Bond - he also mixes the rough with the smooth.
I know Idris Elba has been mentioned. I see no reason for Bond to remain white, so it would be an intriguing possibility.
Tom Hiddleston (also mentioned a lot) lacks that air of menace.
This is why the best bet is a (relatively) unknown actor (as Connery was). They must come to the screen with no preconceptions.
*pedant trap
Lazenby wasn't that bad; as an actor he had about the same range as Moore.
OHMSS sort of failed because it deviated from the formula in two vital points.
1. Bond getting married.
2. "Solving" that by letting the bad guy kill Bond's wife on their honeymoon. Which means the movie ends without Bond being the winner that takes all.
Also, killing Emma Peel Diana Rigg - what were they thinking?
To deviate slightly from the future - Tracy Draco - I never understood the omission of that fact when Bond was being taunted about losing all of the Women he had ever cared for. 'M", Vesper were both mentioned but not the "big" hit on his private life. If a villain had been responsible for every loss, wouldn't the one woman Bond married have figured in the taunt?
As for the black Bond Question - Bond is the son of a Scottish Crofter - Read the books! You can lose the Supercharged Bentley, Universal Exports Etc, but lets keep something of the original back story huh?
'M", Vesper were both mentioned but not the "big" hit on his private life
I understood that the Daniel Craig films were essentially a "reboot". They are re-telling stories that have been told before and in some ways they seem to me to be closer to the books. I'm close to saying that DC is my favourite Bond(*).
Being a reboot, everything is wiped, though of course they put some references in to try to keep the fans on side and the carry-over of M is a bit incongruous, though Dame Judy was an excellent M.
In Daniel Craig's continuity therefore, Mrs. Bond hasn't happened.
At least, that's the way I work it out ;-)
(*)Of course the "ultimate" Bond is the one in my head, but I also have three versions of him; first from the Fleming books (some of which were better than others) but also from the Charlie Higson "young Bond" books (not at all bad) and the Anthony Horowitz Alex Rider books. The Fleming books have dated badly, and even re-watching the old films - particularly the Roger Moore ones - with my children is a slightly cringe-worthy experience to modern sensibilities.
" know Idris Elba has been mentioned. I see no reason for Bond to remain white, so it would be an intriguing possibility."
He's certainly a good enough actor, but the painful truth is a black bond just wouldn't sell in some markets so MGM has to play it safe. For now.
"Tom Hiddleston (also mentioned a lot) lacks that air of menace."
Agreed. He comes across more as one of the Oxbridge type civil servants that bond despises.
"This is why the best bet is a (relatively) unknown actor (as Connery was). They must come to the screen with no preconceptions."
Yes, this. The "franchise" is the real star. Hollywood really need to step back from the "star vehicle" and get back to making films, not promos for already rich "stars".
No problem with being a female (indeed, if you search the Reg forums for her name, you'll see the OP but yours that mentioned her was from me), but an American?
But hey, voice coaches do wonders these days, and any lingering trace of her native accent could be ascribed to her character having spent time studying in the US, or on secondment with the CIA or whatever.
Daniel Craig brought James Bond into the contemporary world, would love to see him continue BUT only if the scripts are worthwhile and not some Rinse and Repeat money maker as per the latest Jason Bourne "episode".
The writers really made a worthwhile continuation by bringing Bond back to a cold , heartless, character, I hope it continues... Daniel Craig personified the role perfectly
I always though Timothy Dalton did the ruthless part quite well, came across as a cold-hearted prick which was right for Bond. Unfortunately he wasn't working with the greatest scripts.
Personally I'd vote Chiwetal Ejiofor. Anyone who doubts he'd be any good should watch him as the Agent in Serenity. He also did the cold-hearted bastard part very well in Children of Men. Speaking of which, I've always thought Clive Owen would make a fucking awesome Bond but I think he's probably getting on a bit for it now. Shame really.
I'd upvote you twice if I could. Agree with both points. Dalton nailed the "shoot you in the back without blinking" aspect of Bond, but the scripts were terrible.
Also, I think Ejiofor would be a better choice than Elba. I like Elba, but I always see him as too bombastic for Bond. Bond isn't a booming voice, he's a quiet menace. Ejiofor can really do quiet menace (as mentioned above, Serenity shows that), and the trailer for Doctor Strange shows him capable of the casual one-liner, as well.
"Chris O'Dowd as Q, shirley?"
Nah, that'd be a wet squid. Chris O'Dowd should be the bad guy. Imagine - a Bond villian who's actually funny.
Although, now that I think about it, I never bought that Jesse kid playing Lex Luthor in the last Batman/Supeman movie. So, OK, Chris O'Dowd as Q.
Damn you, I've just spent ten minutes trying to find Richard Ayoade as Dean Learner as Thornton Reed - with shotgun - on YouTube!
I would also love to watch classic Bond scenarios featuring Matt Berry as 007...
'Man to Man with Dean Learner' shows that Ayoade already has his own tuxedo... and damn you Channel 4 for blocking YouTube videos. Also damn you for requesting Comedy Central geoblock the UK even though you stopped showing the Daily Show. And damn you for replacing the excellent comedy you did in the nineties with Big Brother.
Craig Daniels reportedly negotiated a larger than normal share of the profits from the last 3 he did; there's was a script writers strike on during Quantum of Solace and he chipped in to fill the gap. So he's done exceptionally well out of the franchise, especially with the last 2 earning multi-billion $$$.
To retain his services as Bond the studio is effectively bidding against the money he's already (deservedly, in my humble opinion) earned, and as that's a lot any new deal is also going to have to be large to overwhelm any oh-no-not-again feelings.
I've nothing against a black Bond as long as the actor is up to the role. Idris Elba could do it but as said whether the rest of the world would pay to see a black Bond I don't know. I thought he was maybe getting on a bit as well but then he's bulked up for his boxing film.
Chiwetel Ejiofor is a good actor but not sure if he looks hard enough. Same for most of the other actors mentioned. Most lack menace.
It is interesting to see the pre-programmed responses - all black, because that is what the lefties love and is in vogue at the moment. Ignoring the fact that twice as many people in the UK are Asian, and three times more Asians go to Oxbridge than blacks, yet no-one ever mentions an Indian, Chinese or Middle Eastern bond? I wonder why? Bond is huge in Asia and Africa (Bigger than in the US and UK) but whether that would be the case with an Asian protagonist would be interesting.
It is also worth noting that once a character changes sex or race, they never change back.
Sean Bean was a 00 agent though, albeit one gone wrong. [Goldeneye]
The 'working class Bond' concept was played with in 'Kingsman'. Really though, the whole point of Bond was escapism - fantasies of fine food and travel for readers in ration-book Britain, and the idea that 007 could hob-nob with rich evil elites without arousing suspicion. But hey, if you want an accent other than Received Pronunciation, may I suggest Timothy Spall?
Nice little slur, Connor. Can you name a British Asian star as big as Elba etc. I could well see John Abraham (don't be fooled by name) as an Asian James Bond -- he's got the looks, the muscles, and the acting quality.
You say 'once a character changes sex or race, they never change back'. Examples? Rule set in stone?
I would love a female Bond, but I doubt i will see one in my lifetime.
"Jenson Button has the looks and fitness for the 007 role"
Looks and fitness? Absolutely. Acting ability? Not so much.
Ridley Scott on Mark Strong's performance in Body of Lies: "a marvel of exotic suavity and cool insinuation"
Roger Ebert on the same: " I particularly admired the work of Mark Strong as the suave Jordanian intelligence chief, who likes little cigars, shady nightclubs and pretty women, but is absolutely in command of his job."
He also played a spy in Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (the new one).
And was just as excellent.
Seriously, why are we still messing about, why is he not Bond already. He honestly CANNOT be worse than Criag, Lazenby, Dalton, and could probably equal Connery et al even in the modern era.
I mean, hell, just watch him. He is Bond, just playing different characters as part of his espionage (how else did he get into MI6 and Bletchley in The Imitation Game?).
No they don't, they get paid their fair share of what a film makes. This argument does my head in just as much as footballers shouldn't be paid more than nurses etc etc. It's private money from fans and sponsors pockets that pay for actors and footballers and they can pay them what the hell they like. Suggest paying more in tax to pay for nurses and most people will probably shy away.
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They've exhausted the 'Hard Man' routine with Craig, now what they need is a smooth, debonair, soft-as-shit-twatoid that everyone has fallen in love with. I think The Cumberbatch would definitely bring the 'film series' (not franchise.....i hate that term...it cheapens the art) a much needed injection of charm over thuggery, i just thank the lord that they've finally seen sense and binned the 'Woman Driver' (The Dench) and got a true craftsman (The Fiennes) to replace her.
Yours faithfully,
Steven Toast
PS: If the producers ever need someone to play the role of Q's dad, i'm available.
Thank goodness for that.
I like Cumberbatch. He's my favourite Holmes, and he's a fine actor.
But, really, we need a break from him. He's turning up everywhere. I'm looking forward to him as Doctor Strange, but I still can't help but feel maybe they should let someone else do the acting.
Why not an individual who knows a thing or two about ruthless despots, maybe has martial arts skills, a nasty competitive streak and would know what to do if he chanced upon a MiG fighter aircraft.
You must mean Steven Seagal. You barely see him outside the Central Asian 'republics' these days.
. Product Description. A gourmet energy drink with natural ingredients from ... Steven Seagal's Cherry Charge Lightning Bolt Energy Drink is the first energy drink to be made of 100-percent juice, and the first to contain ...
While I didn't think that Craig was a bad Bond, the scripts he had to work with were gash.
The villains were tedious and dull.
Ohhh, look at me I'm stealing a database (as opposed to waiting for someone to leave it on a train in a USB stick).
Ohhh, I'm so badass, I'm stealing water - water FFS
etc. etc. etc.
Next Bond Villian: Wah ha ha ha ha hah, I'm going to take control of the Cumberland Organic Farming Board and no-one can stop me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Of the names mentioned, I agree that Chiwetal Ejiofor has probably exhibited the Bond like performance in the Firefly movie (or Bond villain, for that matter).
Although, I can see Matt Smith being Bond - though, more in a parody sort of way. I think he would definitely trump Rowan Atkinson's Johnny English.
Some good calls there, Mark Strong definitely. He's maybe done too many other spy-ish things but he's got the menace and the acting chops.
Not sure about Jack Davenport.
The speculation is entertaining. I suspect whomever is the new Bond most people will be unhappy.
Kit Harrington...not yet.
He's tall, reasonably athletic, has a good voice and great name recognition, and will be indefinitely available starting in about four months: Barak Obama. Now, I know that he isn't English, nor even Scottish, but his attempts at an English accent can hardly be worse than many American actors have achieved.
way out in sleepy left field - how about we ask Vladimir Putin if he wants to play Bond? Yeah, my head just exploded, too. But think about it:
1. He has a foreign accent, so this could be a bizarro-world take on Bond,
2. He's definitely got the menacing "I don't care how many people I have to kill" look down pat.
3. Name the film "The Shirtless Horseman" and he'd probably do it gratis.
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^ Just thought of this one and had to add him! So maybe re-cast Toby Jones as Q? Pretty sure Broadbent can play any role... so we'll have to hang on to him to.
I'm thinking Mark Heap should play his bond very much as he played "Jim" (as in, Jim. Jim from next door) in Fright Night Dinner. Maybe if Wilson the dog can be in it, all the better.