I've read so much propaganda over the years on this being bad, that being good,
We get meaningless fact like eating /drinking (stupidly low) figure of X every 3rd Tuesday the day after a full moon *might* give you a 0.1% increase in dying of Y.
Then we get some other research 6 months later that states the exact opposite - Red wine being an example, saturated fats and the great Butter is bad, plastic butter is good fiasco.
They also say that 72.4% of all statistics are made up on the spot, the rest seems to just have no reliable evidence behind it..
Then we get some old person who has outlasted all their family and they have a daily measure of the things that are supposedly bad for you, so what are we supposed to think ?
Well, last time I looked, there was a 100% probability of dying, the only unanswered questions for all of us is when and how.
Personally, I don't want the answer to either of those as it would change the way I live my life. E.g., you die in your bedroom - fantastic, how do I side step that one. Another figure is that 56% of people die in hospital, so if you are feeling a bit groggy, avoid the hospitals like the plague.
My point is that its all useless information.
Personally, I'll ignore all the "guidance" and adopt the "everything in moderation" principle, after its my life, my consequences to live with.
The bigger issue though is that this sort of "guidance" then becomes "health policy" and you get hit by it irrespective of if you take their advice or not - and they wonder why people ignore such guidance.