As someone who grew up nearby, I can confirm that "Ruggie" is teeming with spooky buggers.
Scottish Police have been forced to turn to the Catholic Church after a family in South Lanarkshire were apparently subjected to a campaign of terror by a Chihuahua-levitating poltergeist. According to the Scottish Daily Record, police attended a house in Rutherglen, South Lanarkshire on August 8 and 9, following reports of …
And the LORD spake unto Moses and said, 'Thou shalt fear me for I am mighty and there are no limits to the wonders I can achieve.'
And the LORD saw the chihuahua of Moses and said, 'Behold! Children of Israel I shall lift this... this... What the hell is it? No, don't tell me, is it some kind of rodent? I certainly don't remember making one of those in Eden, but that sixth day was a right bugger to get right, just look at the platypus. Now where was I? Oh yes - Behold! Children of Israel...'
Remember, boyz'n'grrlz, chihuahuas are wolves. Very small wolves, but wolves just the same. They certainly remember this. At least Redrum, my chihuahua, does. He does not believe in taking prisoners. You trespass on a chihuahua's territory at your own risk.
> You trespass on a chihuahua's territory at your own risk.
Unless you happen to be a large ginger-and-white cat with a rampant (oo-er!) dislike of small dogs[1]. Speaking hypothetically of course..
[1] More accurately - the great like for tormenting small dogs by proving (again) the vast superiority of the feline species over lowly canines. Especially canines that quite possibly qualify as "a light snack")
However, when they arrived, the cops themselves apparently “witnessed lights going off, clothes flying across the room…”. Oven doors were apparently opening and closing of their own accord, while lampshades were turned upside down.
Are they sure someone didn't connect the house up to the IoT? This is the future people.
@AC - no need. Chihuahuas are nippy little beggars, my Mum had one ('twas many, many,many moons ago) that every now and then would decide to race around the lounge including hurling itself at the back of the sofa which it would then run along near the top, at nearly 90 degrees to the vertical, doing a creditable 'Wall of Death' impression. Having witnessed that on multiple occasions, I wouldn't put it past any reasonably fit chihuahua to get up on top of a reasonably dense hedge should it choose to do so. Of course, getting itself down again might be a whole 'nother matter.
Ladies and Gentlegeeks, I present for your delectation, the one, the only, RattaPult. Fully WiFi connected (bluetooth an optional extra) allowing you to pult your rat from anywhere in the world (subject to available internet connectivity). Mines the one with the IoT back massager and the collar speakers.
Now I'm not saying that this is the case, but that cynical side of me is thinking that events went something like this...
1. Son is bored, decides to trick his mum with a few pranks.
2. Mum calls police, genuinely thinking a ghost has taken up residence, and the son doesn't own up either because he thinks this is hilarious or that things have gone much further than he thought and he doesn't have the bottle.
3. Cops show up. It's a slow day, so they listen to the story and one or two of them decide to enter the spirit of things. Cue a few more sheets being surreptitiously thrown and an idea occurrs to put one over on the bosses.
4. Bosses show up and are taken in. Exorcist and media are called.
5. No-one is ever going to dream of owning up within the next few years, but the perpetrators are probably having a damn good laugh
Or the place is haunted, whichever you prefer :)
> No-one is ever going to dream of owning up within the next few years, but the
>perpetrators are probably having a damn good laugh
Sounds a bit like the 90's craze for crop circles. Not at all (honest) anything to do with bored RAF/USAF personnel nearby. Honest!
If you had read Jacques Vallée, you would know that these sometimes have features of run-of-mill, garden-variety so-called "paranormal" events, insomuch that it is surmised that the "paranormal" stuff is just another form of the "UFO" stuff (thus the new classification of "Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind", whereby reality-bending comes into play, too. Mix in in subsequent visitations by "Men in Black" and you know what's up... ).
Does this go further than busted human cognitive processing? Who knows... It's definitely not "aliens".
The Church is actually kind of inept here - going by tradition alone. They usually screw things up. What you need is a good shaman. They work with this stuff on a regular basis. Shamans are really like engineers or technicians - they "have a look-see", experiment and see what works and what doesn't, and why.
I've run across this sort of thing from time to time, and usually it's a clueless spirit that's just confused - hard to "get a clue" when you don't have a body anymore. The energy to move stuff usually comes from nearby teenagers. But YMMV.
I've run across this sort of thing from time to time, and usually it's a clueless spirit that's just confused - hard to "get a clue" when you don't have a body anymore.
So why aren't they all clueless, then? All the spirits that no longer have bodies - there must be quite a lot of them.
MM does indeed V. A lot.
From personal experience and years of news reports, they don't seem terribly hard to baffle on a broad spectrum of subjects. In all fairness, they're cops, not engineers or scientists. But that just means they shouldn't be commenting in the first place. Something magical about a camera or reporter that a cop just can't resist.
One of my favorites involved cars that allegedly lose traction on icy roads and suddenly accelerate to high speeds and fly off the road. Several police types solemnly supported this claim. No explanation for how a car with no traction accelerates, since some ground-based push is needed. Sudden hurricane winds? Divine finger-nudge? (Of course it's perception. When a car loses grip and rockets off the road, you realize suddenly how fast 45MPH really is.)
"People of Scotland! I bring you a series of visionary policies that assure your future in a prosperous Britain where your dignity and voice are valued........Fuck it! If nobody is listening, I am going to throw some laundry around and strand that yappy little rat on top of a hedge, where he can't piss on my grave."
Why hasn't this family came forward with proof of the supernatural and claimed the James Randi Prize of $1,000,000 ?
Also there are THOUSANDS of other prizes to be claimed, not to mention that since you have ACTUAL GHOSTS in your home, people would pay thousands, if not tens of thousands of pounds to visit...Scientists, rich people etc.
Did I forget the hundreds of thousands of pounds for a newspaper/tv exclusive? the Movie rights?
The fact that if this was true it would be on every single channel in every single country for MONTHS.
This would be a world-changing event greater than WW1 and WW2 combined, as the entirety of humanity would have proof of life after death.
I don't remember the Olympic coverage being cancelled to take us live to this house in Scotland? Do you? (It would be a MUCH more important story than anything about sport and would DOMINATE all forms of media).
Oh yes, and the war in Syria would pretty much grind to a halt once people found out there IS an afterlife so they would face justice for their actions.
This family could make hundreds of MILLIONS out of this, unless of course it's all bullsh*t, which of course it is because GHOSTS AREN'T REAL.
Oh yes, and the war in Syria would pretty much grind to a halt once people found out there IS an afterlife so they would face justice for their actions.
Err... no. Then they would then be fighting over which <$DEITY> is the one who's afterlife the ghosts belong to. A certain group would wonder why they aren't in heaven. Another over "where are the 72 virgins". Another would go "meh... dead is dead". So forth and so on.
Oh wait... nevermind... that's what they're fighting for now, supposedly. It's not about power or oil...
Real or not...
This would be a world-changing event greater than WW1 and WW2 combined, as the entirety of humanity would have proof of life after death.
There is no indication that "poltergeists", of which I can neither confirm nor deny the existence, have anything to do with human spirits tenaciously holding on to this material world. "Hessdalen lights" seem to be real enough but they are not wicked souls, just some physical lighting phenomenon. Of course I would like to see actual poltergeists in action and documented...
New ghostbusters film comes out (1984)....press filled with stories of 'haunted' houses etc to drum up publicity.
New ghostbusters film comes out (1989)....press filled with stories of 'haunted' houses etc to drum up publicity.
New ghostbusters film comes out (2016)....press filled with stories of 'haunted' houses etc to drum up publicity....I'm sensing a pattern here. Spooky!
New ghostbusters film comes out (1984)....press filled with stories of 'haunted' houses etc to drum up publicity.
New ghostbusters film comes out (1989)....press filled with stories of 'haunted' houses etc to drum up publicity.
New ghostbusters film comes out (2016)....press filled with stories of 'haunted' houses etc to drum up publicity.
I'm sensing a scary pattern here! Woooooo!
Not saying its related but my experiments suggest ol' Hutch was onto something.
He now has funding and a mobile lab, apparently his sponsor(s) got hold of the old equipment and it does indeed work but it is most likely a variant of the EmDrive, in that contained electromagnetic fields in a cone shaped waveguide seem to affect local field density in a way not predicted by the Standard Model. The effect can indeed be projected over quite a distance, possibly in the kilometre range with a setup using 21-25 GHz emitters and a superconducting chamber.
Which is why many respectable physicists won't even consider that the SM has a problem despite it only accounting for less than 10% of the Universe.
I've actually had some success levitating small objects despite the setup only working some of the time, had an early prototype move stuff around in a closed cupboard (!)