Re: Hah Ha. Fuck off AdBlock Plus.
Either way, that kind of thinking is conceited beyond belief.
Full fat internet filled with pages that take minutes rather than milliseconds to load, or eat through already limited data allowances on mobile phones, etc etc.
Eat my multiplicity of Kardashian's Arse dressed in Latex or go play Sudoku as provided by 'She who also has a big bum".
As a 'non-member' of The IAB I will inform you that 'our' industry is 'worth' bazillions a year so rather than getting on my case you might do better if you buggered off and read The Daily Mail on-line.
In case you missed it 'our' industry is worth fucking bazillions which makes your opinion less than worthless.
In perspective.. Everyone else is so totally into X-Factor so basically you lose the end game.
Now... about those socks you bought last week?
Good luck switching off the twat in your browser to view that one. Silly me you read El Reg so you are so fucking clever including condoms. Yo!!!!!! Check out your next door neighbour!!11??!!11 who can wipe their own arse as long as they are wiping their own arse and it does not involve anything teknilogicil.
Oh yeah.... and Net Neutrality is so fucking passé..... plus other stuff.
Nice Try. You lose. Game Over.