As if there hadn't been enough warning signs already, now this. I hope you're listening US Government, do not give these people power over the global Internet. It will not end well for it. Other countries seriously need to intervene on this or at least have some input.
Simply not credible: The extraordinary verdict against the body that hopes to run the internet
In an extraordinary judgment, the organization that hopes to take over running the top level of the internet later this year has been slammed by an independent review as at best incompetent and at worst deliberately mendacious. The decision [PDF] by ICANN's Independent Review Panel (IRP) over the organization's decision to …
Wednesday 3rd August 2016 23:37 GMT Mark 85
Well...Congress seems divided. Some what it to go, other say "stay". They've already decided no money is to be spent by government agencies on the separation from the government. They've been warned about this a lot, yet Congress chooses ignore it and send ICANN out on it's own. Why it's almost as if someone lobbied or bought Congress for this particular affair.
Wednesday 3rd August 2016 23:39 GMT Ole Juul
this needs to be escalated
Other countries seriously need to intervene on this or at least have some input.
I'm not sure I'd like China and Turkey, or whomever, to take much control, but in this case it might be good if they weighted in on this one so as to put a bit of fire under the US govt to get some action here. This situation has been going on for a long time and it's as if the behaviour is acceptable. It is not.
Thursday 4th August 2016 18:27 GMT Fatman
Listen to the warning signs
There are two possible outcomes:
1) Do NOTHING and let ICANN take over the IANA functions. I suspect that this is the default as there most likely has been some greasing of the wheels to insure this happens. or
2) The US government agency that will transfer control finds some
excusereason for putting the transfer on hold, or (hopefully) killing it altogether. But, this, I feel is unlikely to happen.
Thursday 4th August 2016 02:12 GMT Destroy All Monsters
Do I hear snorting at this trough?
We are still studying the declaration, but according to ICANN’s bylaws the next step will be for the Board of Directors to consider the declaration
Organization "I" personnel need to be shot to the moon without oxygen supply and the EIU is a feel-good backscratching operation (the 80s really are long gone), oh surprise!
Thursday 4th August 2016 02:16 GMT Pliny the Whiner
And they have a famous chef, too
I was thinking of what country I would trust the most with the keys to the root servers (which is what we're talking about here), and there was only one answer: Sweden. Yes, Swedish is a fake language consisting of mostly incoherent gibberish, but that hasn't stopped the Swedes from building a rational, credible society that doesn't seem to piss off anyone. How often does that happen?
In the meantime, ICANN: You can't act like that and continue to call yourselves adults.
Thursday 4th August 2016 04:24 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: And they have a famous chef, too
"Yes, Swedish is a fake language consisting of mostly incoherent gibberish, but that hasn't stopped the Swedes from building a rational, credible society that doesn't seem to piss off anyone."
Simply because they don't really have anything worth being pissed off at them over. Don't GIVE them that reason...
Thursday 4th August 2016 08:45 GMT imanidiot
Re: And they have a famous chef, too
Given the rise of far right political parties and the growing discussion and problems around immigration/refugees in sweden I'm not entirely sure they are as non-offensive as you think they are. It's just that they never really bothered anyone ELSE so far. (except maybe Denmark)
Thursday 4th August 2016 02:25 GMT Yes Me
Umm, some balance please
So, ICANN opens one of its many proceedings up to review by an arm of the American Arbitration Association, which identifies some problems. And the report is published. It may even be right; I don't have enough personal knowledge to judge that. Exactly how does that show that ICANN is unfit to do its job? It seems to me that, on the contrary, ICANN is much more open and fair than, say, the International Olympic Committee, or FIFA, to name but two. And please don't overlook that DOT Registry, the complainer in this arbitration, exists to make money out of several completely unnecessary and confusing new top level domains - it isn't intended to do anything useful or productive, just to extract money from the Internet for old rope.
Let's be clear: new top level domains in Latin script are stupid and unnecessary, and I've believed for years that ICANN was misguided to allow them. But given that they went that way, one or two disputes going to arbitration were inevitable. Move right along, nothing to see here.
Thursday 4th August 2016 02:45 GMT Destroy All Monsters
Re: Umm, some balance please
ICANN is much more open and fair than, say, the International Olympic Committee, or FIFA, to name but two.
Objection your honour! Attorney "Yes Me2" is setting the bar deliberately low using an old-school rhetorical trick, but does not address any of the accusations, in particular, willful perversion of ICANN's own internal processes to make sure said processes result in apparently previously chosen outcomes that seem suspiciously linked to pecuniary interests. Indeed there is an intention to deflect the discussion to the well-foundedness or otherwise of allowing new TLDs.
Thursday 4th August 2016 07:02 GMT Pascal Monett
Re: Umm, some balance please
Yes, let's balance. I don't give two hoots about corruption in the Olympic Committee or FIFA - they do not and will never affect me in any way.
I damn well care about my Internet and I am incensed every time I hear about how ICANN in general just doesn't give a flying monkey's about respecting anything so mundane as rules and regulations when it is the fucking global Internet that they've got in their hands.
It is literally criminal how they get away with blatantly saying "F U" to everyone's face and nobody lifts a finger in retaliation. I would send in the Marines and have them all shot for treason on site, no delay and no discussion.
Friday 5th August 2016 05:21 GMT Charles 9
Re: Umm, some balance please
"It is literally criminal how they get away with blatantly saying "F U" to everyone's face and nobody lifts a finger in retaliation. I would send in the Marines and have them all shot for treason on site, no delay and no discussion."
OK, then. After you sweep ICANN clean, what would you replace it with? And how would you ensure it did its job properly while also preventing it being corrupted or subverted AGAIN?
You see, the big trouble with all these cries of "Throw the Bums Out!" is that no one ever bothers to consider what you're going to do AFTER they're gone. It's not like the Internet runs itself or can completely ignore political entities that can control the physical wires...
Tuesday 16th August 2016 00:04 GMT annfan
Re: Umm, some balance please
"I am incensed every time I hear about how ICANN in general just doesn't give a flying monkey's about respecting anything so mundane as rules and regulations when it is the fucking global Internet that they've got in their hands."
The US mafia has done well for itself.
"I would send in the Marines."
How about the National Guard, to take over its computers?
Thursday 4th August 2016 05:42 GMT Alistair
homonym or homily
I can't tell the difference.
They sure as heck *act* the same.
As to who should be herding the root servers, I rather suspect that the original principle should be applied vigorously and have them managed by independent agencies hosted in various countries. With all details of the management agencies being publicly available. I certainly would *not* want someone like Erdogan or Un or (some days) Putin or Zuma with their hands on the leashes of more than one of the servers.
<Please note, this is hour 6 of a conf call and I've been up for almost 20 hours. Sense may be lacking>
Friday 5th August 2016 05:24 GMT Charles 9
Re: homonym or homily
"As to who should be herding the root servers, I rather suspect that the original principle should be applied vigorously and have them managed by independent agencies hosted in various countries. With all details of the management agencies being publicly available. I certainly would *not* want someone like Erdogan or Un or (some days) Putin or Zuma with their hands on the leashes of more than one of the servers."
How do you avoid puppets then who can in turn be protected by the power of sovereignty?
Thursday 4th August 2016 11:26 GMT Jonathan Smythe
.gay not gay enough?
I seem to recall an issue with the .gay domain where el reg mentioned how an application was possibly either too gay or not gay enough? Reading the above, it looks like ICANN may well have decided they didn't want that group's application to be successful, and decided to massage the criteria to ensure it failed. It sounds like this could be happening with many other new TLDs.
Thursday 4th August 2016 11:27 GMT 273 Kelvin
"Also in 2015, the chair of the BGC, Chris Disspain, received [PDF] $145,000 in compensation, payment and reimbursements for the part-time voluntary work he carried out for ICANN"
That's nice. He volunteers & gets a sack of cash. This is a different definition of voluntary work than I'm used to!
Nice gig to get.
Thursday 4th August 2016 20:30 GMT Alan Brown
Re: Think i've found the problem...
"non-profit organization.."
That doesn't mean what you think it means.
Non-profits are free to pay out obscene amounts of money to employees and others. They're not free to return profits to their stakeholders.
The game they're playing is an ancient scam pulled by thousands of non-profits worldwide.
The best thing you can do is sic the IRS onto them and try to get the non-profit status revoked, but with that amount of money in their legal war chest iy might be hard to achieve.
Thursday 4th August 2016 15:22 GMT hoola
A bunch of unaccountable desk wallahs who are paid quite a lot of money suddenly find they have lots more money and don't know what to do with it. What could possibly go wrong.
They must all be search the web for yachts and villas and tax havens to dispose of their pay rises.
Arrange these words into a common phrase
Trough In Snout The