back to article Sky fibre down at breakfast-time across the nation

Sky broadband customers have been hit by an outage this morning, which appears to be disrupting services nationwide. Sky tweeted: "We are aware that fibre customers are having issues browsing, engineers are investigating. Sorry for making your morning more stressful." According to its service status page, the issue started at …

  1. hplasm
    Big Brother

    May Box install.

    BT- complete.

    Sky- underway.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    It's not just their fibre, their entire network seemed to go down around 4am. Packets would reach the first Sky hop and then die a death.

    Fortunately I was able to use my phone to tether to O2 and keep working.

    1. Flywheel

      "able to use my phone to tether to O2 and keep working"

      Sadly this does seem to be the way to do it now. It's "dial" backup come back to haunt us!

  3. Jason Hindle Silver badge

    If you work from home....

    Always have a backup handy!

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: If you work from home....

      Like transport to the main office (where applicable)

      1. Captain DaFt

        Re: If you work from home....

        I depend on RFC 1149 as a back up system.

        A bit prone to HITM* attacks, but otherwise reliable.

        *Hawk In The Middle

  4. Conor Turton

    BT Fibre went down around 7pm last night and was on and off until midnight when I went to bed. BT Status line said no problems, website said there were network upgrades being done. Might be related.

    1. Jason Hindle Silver badge

      Sounds local..

      <square_eyes>I had a mad catch-up night, on Amazon Prime Video, last night,</square_eyes> so BT certainly seemed ok in little bit of Little Britain.

  5. asphytxtc

    I'll agree on the whole network being down, I've noticed significant disruption on our service at the office today - being unable to get to anywhere that involves going past sky's network - not helpful, definitely a bigger issue than they are making out.

  6. jb99

    " having issues browsing,"

    Um what? Does that mean their internet is broken? Sounds like they are saying people are having an issue with one function of an application that uses the internet for data.

  7. Anonymous Coward


    All I can picture now is their annoying movie tie in advert cartoon dog jumping on a wifi router

    1. WonkoTheSane
      Thumb Up

      Re: Pets

      Here you go:-

  8. Pen-y-gors

    Och aye, but...

    "London, Manchester, Birmingham, Dudley, Nottingham, Glasgow, Liverpool, Coventry, Sheffield and Leeds."

    but what about important places like Auchtermuchtie?

    1. hplasm

      Re: Och aye, but...

      "London, Manchester, Birmingham, Dudley, Nottingham, Glasgow, Liverpool, Coventry, Sheffield and Leeds."

      Everybody talk about- Pop Music!

      1. ecofeco Silver badge

        Re: Och aye, but...

        Doobie doobie do wop

        Pop pop do wop

  9. jimexplore

    It's an IPv4 problem. They're only handing out IPv6 addresses, hence only IPv6 compatible sites are loading.

    From earlier:

    $ curl


    1. lleres


      Had noticed the recent switch to IPv6 addresses by default a couple weeks back. Yes, some sites will route over ipv4, some over v6 depending on server support.

      This applies to all connections on any IPv6 compatible machine and for all applications. Things like corporate VPNs and any other routing programs (Tor, p2p, skype et al) will therefore leak traffic over IPv6 since most of them are only setup to route IPv4. Watch out..

  10. Dabooka

    Isn't it simply amazing

    How mnay people are home based when stuff like this occurs? Just read the Twitter posts.

    Of course that's not the amazing part I refer to, I appreciate just how many people occasionaly work from home or are home based. No for me the amazing part is just how many people work from home and RELY ON SHITE DOMESTIC SERVICES to save themselves a few quid a month. Even the former head of Sky broadband said the quality and speed was awful.

    I appreciate that even the good ones like Zen have had problems of late, but if my work activity was so reliant on a connection being up, Sky is up there with TalkTalk as the companies to avoid. Cusotmer services plays a huge part in assessing downtime and what alternatives are open to you (Starbucks / family / friends etc)

    1. macjules

      Re: Isn't it simply amazing

      Apart from the occasional need to reboot the router because they updated the firmware and forgot to tell anyone to restart it I find PlusNet actually quite useful. Never going to get into the Virgin 100MB levels but I am quite happy with a constant 40-50MB rate.

      1. Dabooka

        Re: Isn't it simply amazing

        We're with PlusNet and find them great and quick too. My inlaws use SKy and have problems, althoughsome at least are kind fo self inflicted.

        Point being that these services are great for the odd days here and there when we probbaly all work from home (or at least do some work at home), but if you're based from home and internet is mission critical, then there's better services to use. Right tools for the job and all that.

    2. Pub Singer Dan

      Re: Isn't it simply amazing

      No issues with Sky BB or their customer service save for the issue today and occasional downtime throughout the years since I moved from BT. Always get full throughput over the course of the day and great WiFi coverage now I've got the Hub 3.0.

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