Re: Espionage and Cunning Stunts
Hi, Anonymous Coward,
Regarding a reverse espionage, it is very simple for a flush with flash cash system to buy a person of interest and novel ability in, whenever it itself is struggling and failing to stop its vulnerabilities being widely exposed and exploited. Such is surely the present multinational international dilemma and magic circle which needs to be currently squared. Continuing mounting failures are not a viable option if systems and systems heads are to survive, for there comes a tipping point, after which too much sensitive compartmented information which be better kept top secret because of the horrendous damage it unleashes, is generally shared and common knowledge and old style simple command and control levers are rendered utterly useless. Please consider the following reply to a JohnnyZ, which expands upon the live situation .......
Being mindful of all that you have shared, and recognising the growing increasingly dangerous and ultimately violent problems for established fiat dependent systems and leaders/spokespersons intransigently wedded to the present course, with there being no evidence of their providing a viable solution/resolution for their retention and exercise of future command and control, is one easily led to believe that they lack the necessary intelligence, which is surely simply absolutely fabulous advice/mentoring with delivery of a running series of narrative for media supply of ...... well, virtual realities to be accepted and believed as natural, and that makes them vulnerable to all manner of exploit by that and those more than just able in the noble and quite secretive art.
Such vulnerability though would be/could be transformed into a almightily advantageous strength to aid their resurrection with their buying in of required services and personnel. After all, it is not as if billions of dollars is anything valuable and difficult to find and deposit where necessary. Nowadays can such things be done practically, virtually instantaneously with nothing more than just a few numbers being needed to direct funds to program and project suppliers.
And that is a virtually everything solution for practically nothing payment resolution.
And an added danger and highly probable eventuality in the case where such a solution and radical opportunity is ignored, whenever it be offered to even one and a handful of key instrumental players imagined to be a remote command and control of established systems of governance, .... for the course of least resistance and maximum assistance would perversely dictate that such collapsing systems admins in dire peril be warned and advised of available fates and more intelligently designed outcomes ....... is that they be justifiably classified as an ignorant and callous enemy to be ruthlessly eliminated and outlawed with attractive bounties placed upon their ugly heads.
SMARTR Hearts and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Minds at AI and IT Work, REST and Great Games Play are not immune nor totally reluctant to engage with Anonymous Autonomous Action and Radical Fundamental Reaction when called upon to remove a Future Blockade. …… JohnnyZ reply
Whom and or what would you offer such magical assistance to when it be readily available, to immediately effect a wholesome wholesale change of circumstances .... What names spring to mind, or is the Great Game rigged to present no one in charge of anything and the field of play a virtual battlefield for random rogues and wretched renegades alike and all freely available to the highest bidder?