So, all sysadmins suffer from Bouchard's nodes, but only their middle fingers are affected? Strange.
Happy Sysadmin Day!
To all you systems administrators out there, wherever and whomever you are: Happy Systems Administrators Day! That's right, ladies, gentlemen and emacs users, the yearly holiday of sysadmin day is upon us! This year marks the 17th annual sysadmin day and with any luck 17-fold increase in appreciation to some of the most …
Friday 29th July 2016 12:48 GMT AstroNutter
Yes, reeducation is required. This should be commenced immediately using a cattle prod. Make sure that you have more than one, so that you can be charging one up whilst using the other. If that's not an option, connecting said cattle prod to the mains shall suffice. Oh hell, just use a couple of bare wires connected to the mains.
Sysadmins should be battle hardened and so if you loose some whilst educating them it's no problem. Call it natural selection, only the best will do.
Friday 29th July 2016 15:47 GMT Alistair
its one of those regular fridays.
Not quite yet panic o'clock here, so the 10 phone calls and the 25 OMG ITS BORKEN FISS IT NAO emails have not yet landed.
Thanks Trevor for the reminder, the image (Shamelessly stolen), and I hope your exchange crap is done with for a while. I know O365 is being truly weird this week, so perhaps its not you.
For later this evening after the fires in the DC are out and the one on my patio is lit.
Saturday 30th July 2016 01:01 GMT Elf
Dunno Mates, been a satisfyingly simple day from the US Left Coast. DNS is DNSing. Nobody has backhoed a major fiber. Apache is behaving. EMail servers are without issue (which is the only part of my day making me edgy). Got two alerts in monitor but I created both of those, so, meh. Had a pint (on an AT&T ProjMan). Popped in to the cafe to get some fluids in (sans ethanol) before Friday Pints (plus ethanol) while reading "The Confusion" by Neil Stephenson. Also, I showered my baristas with love and affection because without them we couldn't actually function.
So, Huzzah to us!
** Now, could someone bloody explain to me why we do this?