Soooooooooooooooo close
But light years away...........
nbn™, the entity building and operating Australia's national broadband network (NBN), has announced its first services delivered over the hybrid fibre-coax (HFC) cables formerly owned by Australia's dominant carrier Telstra. Ocean Reef, a suburb of the Western Australian capital Perth is the lucky recipient of the new service …
Their 3 year plan hasn't seen an update in the last year, then again it describes the first expected build date, which seems to be when they think some confused Telstra employee will show up for a look at the neighbourhood.
It bears no relation to when you can actually get a working service.
The kids will be grown up and left home by the time it all happens and my mobile phone will provide faster speeds.
This is a debacle... I had Telstra Cable Ultimate when it was released which was a 100Mbit service (depending on number of others using the cable for TV/Internet services)... and then the definition of 'broadband' was re-framed and I was downgraded to a max of 30Mbit; with only a piece of marketing fluff advertising that they tripled my download limit for free! (fine print, we've reduced your download speed).
Now NBN is claiming victory of up to 100Mbit service on the HFC network - which we had a few years ago.
This political football really needs to be cleaned up.
HFC was always problematic because in reality the speeds claim were always, up to because it is always shared bandwidth, so your up to speed was your shared speed and depending how many others shared, you got only a tiny percentage of the claimed up to speed, basically a typical telstra lie.
No wonder the Liberals go on board with telstra, liars buying in with liars.