' "Each group of four LEDs represents a hex digit", explains Gordon, pronouncing "LEDs" to rhyme with "heads", just like a dork.'
Twinkle, twinkle little LED
How I wonder if you're dead.
Ancient H/W engineer's chant.
Hurrah! Summer is at last well under way, so how better to pass the weekends than pulling the curtains on the rainscape, lolling on the sofa and inhaling a few dozen hours of downloaded TV? I am aware that such an introduction sets up certain expectations. However, rather than treat you to ill-informed speculation regarding …
It's always "LEAD", never "LEED" or "ELLEEDEE" (but that may be because I have been touched by German).
How to read stuff out on a wrapped wire board back then was:
Which one?
I'm off for a rewatch of "War Games".
I hope they are going to do a redo, were General Breedlove gets to tell to a P.U.T.I.N. evilly appearing on a Megavision Screen "You may have nothing to do with with our shitty software breakdown, but we are going to nuke your Russian arse regardless, just to make sure.", then POTUS comes online and confirms the world's fate in a girlish, evil cackle: "Take that for my good friend Toria Nuland". Armageddon is then NOT postponed by the love duo of skilled youngsters because they have been dragged off to a secret court for "terrorism" in full gimp gear a couple of minutes earlier.
I switched Mr Robot on late, heard the Cybersecurity engineer offering to write a GUI in VB to trace the DDOS (even though the evil h4xx0rs were already through the firewall and had rooted all teh servers) - and switched off. Suspension of disbelief is one thing, but Dido Harding could have given them better technical advice.
Shame really, as the main plot sounded quite interesting