back to article BlackBerry's new best pals: Microsoft, Google, Samsung

BlackBerry didn't drop any bombshells at its annual Security Summit last week. Unlike previous years, there were no surprise acquisitions or products. But it did conspicuously share the limelight with a number of partners, some of which may make jolly good new owners. On the stage were Samsung, Google and Microsoft. The latter …

  1. Dan 55 Silver badge

    Blackberry not got enough spare change to proofread these days?

    "Is the median number of days that an attacker stay dormant in a network before detection"

    And yes, MS buying Blackberry would be strange. Even Chen must have worked out what MS did to Nokia's mobile division was not a good thing.

    1. NeilPost

      Re: Blackberry not got enough spare change to proofread these days?

      Microsoft's board and major shareholders would howl in derision at any aspiration to buy another mobile phone comapny. They should have bough RIM instead of Nokia.

      Microsoft could perhaps releive them of Good Mobile Messaging, that I'm surprised Blackberry managed to buy. Good Mobile messaging and Blackberry as an App are the future of the company. Same as they were years ago before Playbook debacle and the 4 years late (so lacklustre) BBX OS and phones.

  2. 0laf Silver badge

    Too late

    MS should have bought BB 5yr ago, then they might not have decided to unofficially burn their whole mobile platform.

  3. allthecoolshortnamesweretaken

    Slide #1 looks very much like the Audi logo.

  4. Gis Bun

    Unsure why the author thinks Microsoft buying LinkedIn is strange. I guess he doesn't know that Microsoft has software related to "resource management".

    Blackberry is trying to reinvent itself. It should of done so 2-3 years ago before they went into this rut.

    1. NeilPost

      perhaps, but for $26bn. Yikes.

      Esp. after burning $10bn on Nokia, with nothing really to show for it.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    for double the fanboi downvotes

    The only company that wishes it's 2005 as much as BB is AMD.

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