So Marissa Mayer's exit package is worth over 1% of the entire company's value? Nice work.
Yahoo! She said yes. Verizon confirms $4.8bn acquisition
Verizon has today confirmed it will splash out $4.83bn (£3.7bn) buying Yahoo, with the deal expected to close in the first financial quarter of next year. The telco was one of 40 suitors rumoured earlier this year to be interested, including Google parent Alphabet, Time and even Daily Mail parent DMG. Yahoo! has been on a …
Monday 25th July 2016 20:16 GMT Anonymous Coward
Not 1%
Check their market cap, they are WAY more valuable than what Verizon is paying, because Verizon is only buying Yahoo's business, not their huge holding of Alibaba stock.
This whole deal is about Yahoo shareholders not wanting its business anymore, but Yahoo was unable to sell the Alibaba holdings without a big tax bill. Thus they are selling everything else, keeping the Alibaba stock, and basically Yahoo becomes an Alibaba tracking stock trading on the NASDAQ.
Monday 25th July 2016 13:22 GMT TitterYeNot
Re: "It’s poetic to be joining forces with AOL ..."
The only level of poetry appropriate for Yahoo right now is something along these lines:-
There was a CEO called Marrissa,
When Yahoo was going down the pisser.
She emptied the bank,
Coz she knew it was all wank,
And soon the investors won't miss her.
(With grovelling apologies to proper poets everywhere.)
Monday 25th July 2016 20:18 GMT Captain DaFt
Re: Dear Ms Marissa Meyer
"Think she changed the font, or the angle of the !"
And don't forget the weekend (She worked the whole weekend, for chrissakes!) of labour spent choosing just the shade of purple, as well as the font and angled "!" for the logo!
Truly worth the rumoured $150 million severance package!
Monday 25th July 2016 14:13 GMT Anonymous Coward
She added: “Yahoo! and AOL popularized the internet, email, search and real-time media. It’s poetic to be joining forces with AOL and Verizon as we enter our next chapter focused on achieving scale on mobile.
Thanks Marissa! my turd polishing detector just exploded.
Edit: It also has a rolling it in glitter safeguard, sadly this did not help in its demise.
Monday 25th July 2016 14:18 GMT Nixinkome
War of the Megaliths
I'm not sure if "megalith" is the correct word for infrastructure giants but I am interested in how megabillion dollar telcos are growing and integrating content provision into their delivery models. They are essential to the workings of all other businesses [and governments] nowadays and, as such, cannot cede supremacy to the other giants nor secede from the interplay. There may be balloons and gliders and satellites trying to deliver communications to other parts of the world but these will be bought or competed against.
It did seem that Yahoo was going downwards so I suppose that Marissa Mayer [note correct spelling of her surname] has done well to increase her net worth so much and retain her position for a while and give birth. Some may say that she could have got even more.
I'm glad that Yahoo!'s pensioners are adequately catered for by Verizon.
Tuesday 26th July 2016 13:55 GMT CrazyOldCatMan
Re: what exactly is Verizon buying?
> Yahoo Groups, Yahoo Mail and any other user email addresses
I'm sure it's only coincidence that I've recently had several panicked messages from Yahoo along the lines of: "we notice you haven't used your Yahoo email in a while. If you don't use it soon, we'll take it away and then you'll miss all our wonderful stuffs!".
I deleted the email without taking any other action..
Monday 25th July 2016 23:18 GMT JoeF
Re: Uhhh....
Account inflation. I technically have 3 Yahoo accounts:
- my "normal" account which nowadays only gets spam
- an account from AT&T DSL
- an account from AT&T U-Verse (they were so bad they couldn't reuse the existing account.)
I don't use the AT&T accounts, but every couple of years they send something to the accounts.
Monday 25th July 2016 22:15 GMT Mark 85
Confused, I am...
So from the article and the email... is she going with the dinosaur? Or with the holding company? It appears that she's in the group going to Verizon which would leave more dosh for the shareholders. Maybe she is the poison pill we here about in the world of mergers and acquisitions?
Wednesday 27th July 2016 08:01 GMT Anonymous Coward
So, this incompetent harridan has been sacked?
Yahoo was THE web portal back in the 1990s (and maybe early 2000s). Then Google ate its lunch, and Microsoft slurped up the leftovers.
Fav Yahoo moments: Yahoo Games (e.g. Literati, the Scrabble clone) and Geocities (until previous female Yahoo CEO Carol Bartz disgustingly put it to the sword).
Marissa Mayer's noteworthy achievements at Yahoo: ruining Yahoo Mail, spending a fortune revamping the Yahoo corporate logo, and overall general incompetence.