I guess marketing has to do *something* to justify their salary. Juat a shame it involves counter-productive nonsense like this that does more to confuse and obfuscate than anything else. (Though this may well be Seagate's intent, as it's not always in companies' interests to make things as clear and simple as they could be).
Reminds me of WD's recent revision of their product line marketing. They had what was a fairly clear scheme; blue for mainstream drives, green for power-saving/eco models, black for performance and (later on IIRC) red for NAS.
Now they've ditched the green line, and introduced gold for drives sold for data centre use and purple for drives intended for surveillance purposes (i.e. CCTV systems).
How different are the red, purple and gold models *really*, and how different do they actually *need* to be? Are they just firmware tweaks designed to justify artificially-created market segmentation? All this marketing-driven confusion must be counter-productive at some point.
Edit; BTW, why is "BarraCuda" in the photo of the drive capitalised like that (other than contrived consistency with the other names which are made up of separate words)?