I came, I saw, I buggered off
Make that 9,001
The straw that broke the camel's back was the abysmal offer of "Free Upgrades" that were anything but upgrades and which turned out to have monumental strings attached.
* WankWank health check - er... no thanks
* WankWank mobile at attractive rate - sorry but that means I have to use WankWank and the rate is anything but attractive
* WankWank phone service to include Anytime Calls upgrade for free and no new contract required.. Great! - Until you actually tried to get it then it's "Oh no Sir, not on your package. Yes, we SAID you wouldn't have to take out a new contract but we had our fingers crossed see, so what we promised doesn't count and you'll have to take out a new contract.
Well, fuck you very much, WankWank.
That all came after a round of FTP problems to the web space I had. I was repeatedly told by WankWank there was nothing they could do for my "email problem" as it was a "legacy account"(Screaming.net) - Strangely, I eventually DID get that resolved but only after finding someone with a similar problem in one of WankWank's online forums and pointing the customer service droid at the post.
To rub even more salt into the wound, I got a call from the WankWank's Customer Disservice people a few months later, asking if my "Email Problem" had been fully resolved.