Pig in a Pokémon
I hear that Pokémon appear frequently in the deeper data mines.
This was a developing story: read through to the updates for the full scoop. Smash-hit mobile game Pokemon Go's catchphrase is "you gotta catch 'em all" – gotta catch all your Google accounts, it seems. As spotted today by IT architect Adam Reeve, the ultra-popular monster-catching vitamin-D-injecting exercise-encouraging …
Not only.
In concentration camps too.
I do not know who designed the game to have a PokeStop in every single Holocaust memorial and museum in Eu and USA as well as Aushwitz and Treblinka. However, if the idea to find that person and introduce him first hand to why these places need to be respected is extremely tempting.
What's worse? The fact that the developers didn't bother to write in exceptions for every sensitive historical spot on the planet which may or may not have a museum or memorial, or that fact that some dumb-ass feels the need to whip out their Iphone at Auschwitz instead of trying to grasp the sites significance?
> an R9 credit score.
My assumption is that's bad? Should I be signing up to those 'hourly updates on what my credit score is doing right now and for the rest of my life because I want to be borrowing until my dying day' so-called services that tell me how to game the system of which they are a subsidiary, or better yet pay for the privilege of them telling me how to get them not to give me a crap score?
Not that I think the whole credit rating thing is severely dodgy or anything.
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Someone downloaded a Pokestuff at work today but it was virus-laden. Cute!
The Rise of The Machines will not be performed by killbots managed by a Artificial Consciousness.
They will be cuddly pseudo-characters that casually kill you economically while they chatter in high-pitched voices.
A mixture between Agent Smith and Tribbles, maybe?
Users who report improper touching from Pokemon have also installed Ingress, so it looks like the app is reusing permissions already granted to Niantic's other big game.
It's still a mess, but that almost explains how Pokemon Go was able to grant itself so much access without user intervention.
The official one only has camera/location/storage/contacts for app permissions within android.
The app is not listed on googles "Apps connected to your account" at all.
It did provide the usual "do you want to provide these details; email address" to this service" pop up box.
Am I being dense or is there a distinct lack of clarity with these claims. I have no doubt the malware infected versions do all of the above.
I have it loaded on my Android device, it has been granted no access to my Google account, per the Google security website. Going back to the initial post by IT architect Adam Reeve, he has updated his post to say it is only on iOS, and only then only on some random installs. The sky is not necessarily falling.
Ah, the post has been updated, I guess my "issue" is with the lack of detail on claims like these (as they were fairly easily tested). However if it is a repeatable bug, that does seem like a royal cack-up of a bug rather than an intentional ninja-move.
I've always been fairly confident in the location of the sky :)
" FBI and NSA will be coming up with the next Pokemon title. "
I thought the current conspiracy is that the Nintendo Pokemon game is based on technology which was in fact made by a CIA sponsored team, for the purposes of mapping and surveying landscapes without having to send agents (and pay them) to do it themselves. Sort of a "gamification" of intelligence scouting/surveying.
In fact, here you go, tinfoil hat link and all provided: http://www.infowars.com/pokemon-go-linked-to-cia/
I'll let you all decide the merits of their case yourselves.
If true however, I would consider it a stroke of genius for whoever thought to turn it into a game, and get yourself an army of people willing to spend their time and money for virtual trinkets to provide you with this intelligence.
I just can't understand why people would like this. Or facebook, snapchat, minecraft, etc...
As a freelance develpoer I've had a lot of people offer shares rather than actual payment, I've always turned that down, mainly as the ideas were stupid. So far none of thiose have proved true, but If anyone had suggested I work on something like this for shares I'd have dismissed it instantly.
I just don't understand other people, I wish I did.
There are many people in the world today, who, by no fault of their own, are sane...
MPFC - Appeal for Sanity
"I just can't understand why people would like this"
It's a game. People, even sane ones, play games. They are entertained by competing against others or themselves for minor achievements.
While I don't play Pokémon Go I can understand the attraction of playing a game that includes competing to find things. It seems to be a modern version of an easter egg hunt.
last night I was at a gaming shop(they sell board games, and CCG's) that the employees kept throwing lures down to get people to come into the store.
It actually worked somewhat, and they got quite a few people to come in they sold quite a few packs of pokemon trading cards.
People will install anything if it looks like fun, regardless of what it might do to them later. Most don't even understand what they're giving away. I'm sure that in modern life, if there is a devil, he doesn't bother with contracts in blood, but simply has you accept his permissions in the Google Play store. I have a friend pestering me to install a trivia game she likes and wants to play with me. I almost relented until I saw that it wanted to access my call information, user accounts on phone, fine location, camera, and a slew of other permissions that it should never need. I warned her of what it might be doing, but to no avail. It's refreshing when I find a useful app that says: "This app needs no special permissions." It feels like a good Samaritan giving you back your wallet that you dropped with the money intact.
Of course the proof that people will do anything for fun regardless of the consequences is that you won't find an empty seat at the pub on a Saturday night. (and I seem to never learn the cause and effect of this either)
Brad Sams and Paul Thurrott must be at least two of those names on the petition. Mary Jo Foley won't be, as she hates games.
Even Brad Sams and Paul Thurrott have stated they won't develop a Microsoft Universal Windows App for Petri.com because they would have to support 2+1 dead platform (my words not theirs, but what was implied) and they all are all but paid by MS, to promote Windows 10 Mobile.
Dead Parrot sketch, because well, its Dead, dead as the W10 mobile platform can be.
Why has no one pointed out Niantic who ran another slightly more grown up but very similar game called the ingress are were officially owned/part of google/alphabet upto last year, so they pwnd all ur data already. Are we really to belive alphabet just decided to let them go on their merry way, or is it more likely its a non-visable puppet master who get to slurp all the ios data they cant get from the droid army... Read the pokemon games terms and conditions, if they are its all above board. Obviously intrest in ingress has dwindled so partnering up with nintendo to have a title that had appeal to a wider age range was required to kick start all the slurpy goodness. Let the good times roll, pinka pinka, bless you.