Crap like this isn't new.
At a now ex-employer that I am rather glad to be rid of, they decided to cut costs & save money by replacing the individualized "Employee of the Month" award desk plaques with a single, generic (no name on it), clear plastic "crystal" statue-like thing reminescent of something dreamed up by a Hollywood douchebag. So instead of getting a nice personalized plaque you could be proud of & display forever, now they just shuffled the same generic award from desk to desk; once it wasn't there anymore you had nothing to show for your efforts.
I had worked there for over a year, 10 & 12 hour days working my ass off, doing what I could to help clean up the utter disaster that was their paper-based "filing system" that amounted to cardboard Banker boxes filled with file folders & a "XXX - XXY" label on the box to give a hint as to it's contents, into a digital set of files (OCR scans of each folder's documents so the PDF's could be stored on the server) & then the paper copies shredded to save the *acres* of space they required. Pick a box, carry the box to the Copy Room, OCR everything in the box (hours of standing & manually feeding sheets through because the copiers didn't have sheet feeders), double checking the scans matched the originals, double check that all the scans were in their proper directories (one per file folder on the server), put the originals back in the box & mark it as Scanned, carry the box to the Manager's office so they could make sure I'd done it correctly, and back to the storage room for another box. Over & over & over again. Box after box after damned box. All in addition to my ACTUAL job duties because the bastards demanded I do *both*.
A *year* of this crap, doing both jobs, helping my coworkers when they needed help with "anything computery", and being pretty much the bloody definition of a "Team Player". But never getting the EotM award. I could see all the votes for me & everyone else on the internal employee nominations page on the corporate intranet, we could see plain as day that I was often at the top of the pack by a wide margin, but the moment Manglement stepped in & announced the winner, it turns out to be the VP's PA. A rather busty young lady with the work ethic of a dead mongoose & the job duties Bill Clinton would be famous for making use thereof.
When my coworkers finally complained & said they would start filing harrassment complaints on my behalf, the Manglement *FINALLY* gave me the EotM award...
They gave it to me on Monday. They fired me on Friday, claiming I "wasn't a team player".
My coworkers were so shocked & angry that a few threatened to leave as well if I wasn't reinstated immediately. There turned out to be a bunch of us leaving that day, certainly more than Manglement had anticipated. Evidently their resident "computer guy & all around helpful bloke" (me) was a bit TOO handy to let go, so said the folks that remained when we got together over drinks later. The "Records Project" that I had (unknowingly) been on (and the ONLY one on it) had not only stalled but hit a wall - Manglement couldn't find the files on the server & had already destroyed the originals. No originals & no digital archive meant they had nothing to show the Internal Revenue Service auditors when they came knocking, so now the company no longer does business in this State.
IBM doing away with personal gifts as awards for years of loyal service? $ExCompany did away with even the HINT of any personal recognition with a generic EotM plaque we weren't even allowed to keep. Funny though how the VP was able to take a month long "Fact Finding Tour" of various tropical islands that year, even though they had to fire an entire department "due to a shrinking economy".
Greedy bastards. Fuck 'em all.