back to article Consumer advocates call on Telstra to set customers free after outages

Australian consumer group CHOICE wants Telstra to release customers from their contracts, after months of repeated outages. Presenting its latest analysis of telecommunications plans, which unsurprisingly bells Telstra as the most expensive kitty in the litter, CHOICE says “free data days” are no longer an adequate response …

  1. Denarius Silver badge

    now election is over

    it's safe to ask the usual hobby horse question. As Telstra has just announced another 320 jobs to go, is there any statistical connection between sending jobs offshore and its increasing failure rate ?

    Suggestion to what few human shareholders remain (companies are legal fictions, not people for the Ayn Rand fanatics out there); how about linking Board and CEO performance to failures rate ? Reasoning: If a TITSUP personally affects manglement in pocket, what effect would this have on encouraging better planning and a solid resiliency, not to mention DR practice ?

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Not bloody likely

    Our local exchange is over-subscribed.

    I have an expensive Telstra ADSL 2+ connection.

    If I churn I'll lose my spot.

    I pay simply to stay.

  3. Tac Eht Xilef

    To be fair ...

    To be fair - and believe me, I have plenty of reasons not to be fair to Telstra - in the mobile realm their network competitors have been just as bad in the recent past, and resellers get a bit of a free pass by being able to blame the carrier they resell. Vodafone wasn't known as Vodafail for nothing, and the same goes for Optarse...

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