Technology, eh?
This is exactly why my next 'new' car will be an Austin Allegro or Escort Mk III from fleaBay.
Two unpatched vulnerabilities in BMW's ConnectedDrive web portal create a mechanism to manipulate car settings, a security researcher warns. The first (and more serious) vulnerability creates a means for a hacker to access another driver’s Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) before changing in-car settings such as lock/ …
Well, at least you won't contribute significantly to global warming.
Are you kidding me? The last Allegro I owned left a cloud of smog behind it that would put a VW to shame. That said, that was just before two conrods and associated parts exited through the side of the crankcase.
There was a reason they earned the nickname "All Aggro" ...
That was my point - few of them ever managed a high mileage.
My mother, while I was away, was persuaded to swap her beautiful Morris Minor with leather seats that I had kept in perfect mechanical condition for years, for an Agro. She's dead now and I've kind of forgiven her. I could not make her understand what she'd done. It got the driver's door kicked in by a horse, which proves that even horses have some taste.
"A VIN should not be used for the same reason that a social security number in the US or NI number in the UK should never be used as a primary key."
Seems a perfectly good candidate for a primary key to me - that's what they are by definition. They should not be used for authentication on their own.
If anyone of such persuasion was to change the delivery address and tie a new owner to the VIN, I can think of a couple of people that could do with a FREE car as payment for all that they have contributed to this Cuntery. The list would include people like the executives in HR at BMW plant Oxford and several politicians (whose names I have to look up 'cos I haven't been paying that much attention). Anyways safe to say that these twats deserve nothing less - oh yeah and they could also come with a chatty android (unpaid) driver named Tay for good measure, as an expression of their faith and confidence in UK govermins IT schemes.