People should be boycotting the terrorist state of israel.
Israeli hi-tech companies rang the tills with exits adding up to $3.3bn in the first half of 2016. A total of 45 hi-tech firms completed exit deals that averaged $74m, according to a study by IVC Research Center and law firm Meitar Liquornik. Increased difficulties in raising capital, particularly in the United States and …
"People should be boycotting....." I'd counter that people should be boycotting the technology companies of pre-dominantly Muslim states surrounding Israel that stil refuse to sign a peace treaty with Israel, but they seem to be rather light on technology companies!
Now, I wonder why there are so many successful companies coming out of Israel, and, by comparison, so few coming out of the surrounding states? All that oil money and SFA to show for it! Maybe it's an approach to education? After all, Jews do seem to be just a lot, lot better at science, as shown in a comparison of Nobel Prize winners -
Indeed, if you really are determined to boycott anything "from the Eeeeevvviiiiiill Zionist state", then you had better turn off your computer, disconnect your Internet and phone lines, stop using the majority of modern medicine, and pretty much go back to living in a mud hut.
"It's in an interesting turn of events considering that much of modern science has it's roots in the Arab world." No it doesn't. The Arabs were uneducated desert nomads, literally barbarians, that inherited the works of the Babylonians, Persians, Chinese, Indian and even African Christians through conquest or just downright lies (see here for one extensive debunking of the many false claims of "Arab inventions".
Although your supplied link is interesting, I didn't mention religion. Not to mention that many inventions have been "lost" and rediscovered or invented independently in separate locations, so your implication that all Arabs are Muslims and your claim of all Arabs being "uneducated desert nomads, literally barbarians" is utter tosh.
Using that article to support your claims, while probably valid at least in part, isn't really helped by "Please note: Paul Vallely, the author of "How Islamic inventors changed the world", has been contacted concerning the claims in his article but we have yet to receive a response."
Anyway, that aside, my point wasn't necessarily that any particular Arabs invented anything, but that some Arab cultures curated, collected and developed a lot of science, much of which made it on to Europe and the "west" where it was "discovered" and credit given all over again to the locals.
We say we don't trust the Chinese for equipment cause of backdoors bla bla ..
Now , can the Israeils with their agencies be any more trusted than the Chinese ?
Can their " cyber security " be any more trustworthy than the chinese's ? I doubt it very much.
In fact .. when cyber security is concerned , no country , the US , England , Israel , China or Russia can be trusted to give us secure equipment or applications not backdoored to serve their masters.
Security is an illusion. It's just a matter of taking sides imho.
Lesser of two evils ?
"....can the Israeils with their agencies be any more trusted than the Chinese ?...." You can if you insist on your security experts checking the source code, as is done in military contracts. Not so easy for your average corporation, though some might see that as a good reason to switch to NFV (network function virtualization) based on open source modules, such as OPNFV and off-the-shelf servers.